In recent years, the character, Mary Magdalene gains considerable attention in literature and media. From identifying her as an important disciple to finding her as the wife of Jesus, recent media and literature made her name in headlines quite frequently. In the midst of these recent hypes a question still lingers about Mary Magdalene: why does she take precedence in the last few chapters of the Gospels? Why is she portrayed with much importance in the passion narratives? Why is characterized as an importance character in the funerary episodes of Jesus Christ? In light of Roman funerary practices nenia and praefica come to fore, as praefica is identified as the chief mourning …show more content…
She was worshipped in a shrine outside Rome, in portaViminalis (Ovid, Fest. 16M). Nenia is believed to look after those who live out their last days. On the contrary,Nenia is also a song, sung in the funeral rites of Romans. Grammarian Diomedes calls neniaas the “last and ultimate song that, together with lamentation, is sung to the dead” (id Carmen quod cum lamentationeextremumatqueultimummortuoaccinitur, GLK 1.484-85). This funeral dirge was considered as one of the last parts of the funeral rites in the Roman world. This dirge (nenia) was performed by a group of women mourners possibly led by a woman with a loud voice called, Praefica. We will see more about praefica in the next section. The term nenia is also spelled in some literature as naenia but both seem to address the same thing, the funeral dirge. For decades, the meaning of the term nenia had been enigmatic.DorotaDutsch identifies that while laudatio funebris is “relatively well documented,” while “the nenia remains an …show more content…
A goddess invoked at a funeral; 2. A funeral lament, or dirge; 3.A magic incantation, or a child’s jingle; 4. Trifling verses (nugae) or trifling things of a more material nature, even a kind of mincemeat or sausage used in sacrifice; 5. Idle talk in general, old wives’ tales, absurdities