Multiple Sclerosis was first recognized as a specific disorder in 1873 in England. By the end of the century, after careful observation, most of the symptoms and some causes were known. In MS the immune system attacks the myelin of the bone that covers the nerve fibers. The MS can also attack nerve cell bodies which are located in the brain, it specifically influences the spinal cord, brain, and optic nerve. This then causes difficulties in communication between the brain and the rest of the body. The majority of the patients with MS are women with north European descent. Most of the country recognizes the name but most don’t understand the specifics of the disease. This disease is constantly being researched and studies about …show more content…
The symptoms and lesions can be related to other diseases. The routine that is followed is, “diagnosis generally depends on evaluation of medical history and symptoms, along with the use of various tests. Among the traditional criteria for a diagnosis of MS are the occurrence of two flare-ups that last at least 24 hours each, occur at least a month apart, and involve inflammation or damage in different areas of the nervous system” (Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, 2005, para 2). According to the Mayo clinic (2017) the doctor will often recommend a spinal tap and or an MRI. Diagnosing may be more difficult with irregular or abnormal …show more content…
It is the most widespread neurological disorder among the young. According to the Healthline (2015), it is estimated that there are over 2.5 million cases in the world and over 400,000 in the U.S. In America, above the 37th parallel (which splits the country in half) the cases are 110-140 per 100,000 people. In the south, the cases are closer to 57-78 per 100,00 people (Healthline, 2015). MS is found predominantly in temperate climates, possibly because of environmental factors (ie virus, sun exposure) (Chudler, 2001) . It is two times more likely to affect women that men (Mayo Clinic, 2017 ). This ratio is because of the hormone and cell levels in women. MS is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20- 50 but the patient can be younger or older. If your parent or sibling has MS you are at a higher risk for developing it and if your twin is affected it’s 33% more of a risk (Chudler, 2001). According to the Mayo clinic (2017), white people with northern European descent have the highest risk of developing MS, while people of Asian, African or Native American descent have the lowest risk. Smoking can also increase your chances of contracting MS. Multiple sclerosis can not be predicted but the chance of contracting it