of Manslaughter.
Sentence: I, Judge Longfellow, find Ned Kelly guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter and sentence him to 10 years in custody.
The verdict is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant Thomas Randall should have anticipated the destructive consequences of his behavior in providing alcohol and encouraging the minor Kelly Greene to drink excessively at the party, as stated by witness William Doyle in his testimony in court. When she left party he should have realized Kelly Greene was in no condition to drive a vehicle when walking her to car, as witnessed by Helen Brook at her testimony in court. This makes him responsible for the death of Melissa Anderson’s young life ending.…
James R. Hoffa, also known as Jimmy Hoffa, was an American Labor Union leader of the teamsters who went missing in 1975. To this day, no one has any knowledge to where his body might be. Hoffa was very high in the rankings in his mid-twenties with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters is still active today. They are a labor union group that represents a diverse membership of blue-collar and professional workers in both the public and private sectors. From 1958 to 1971, Hoffa became the general president of the National Brotherhood of Teamsters. Hoffa needed help with muscle and money for the Teamsters for their strikes so he turned to the Italian mafia for help. The Detroit mafia was who he got help from. It is believed that Tony Zerilli had something to do with Hoffa. During these years as president of the Teamsters, Hoffa was convicted of jury tampering, fraud, and attempted bribery. He was jailed in 1967 and was then sentenced to about 13 years. He resigned from presidency of the teamsters in 1971 in order to accommodate the agreement made with Richard Nixon. Nixon made it clear that Jimmy Hoffa could not be affiliated with union activities until 1980 which was when his 13 year sentencing would be over and done with. Hoffa had…
Judge and jury, I beg thee to charge Ms. Maloney with the murder of Patrick Maloney. Why would the perfectly stable Mary Maloney randomly decide to kill her husband? What would cause a perfectly sane woman to do such a heinous crime? As you are aware, Patrick Maloney was a well-respected member of the police force. To all who knew him he was a good man. He never had any enemies, and was very committed to his job. So how did this good man end up dead? Supposedly, Mr. Maloney was alleged of having an affair. However, Mr. Maloney is no longer around to testify to that fact. If Ms. Maloney had heard of this alleged affair, maybe that drove her to murder him. There is sufficient evidence showing that Ms. Maloney was the murderess. Number one, there…
This aboriginal man claimed to have been there the night of the murder and testifies that Tshuanahusset was the one that murdered William Robinson. Yet, he did not firsthand see Tshuanahusset kill William Robinson, nor did he immediately report him for the murder either. It was fifteen months before Sue Tas went to the authorities with information on the murder, and this rose no suspicion for neither the authorities nor the judicial system. The fact that Sue Tas waited this long to inform the authorities rises suspicion that perhaps he was lying because there was belief that Sue Tas was Tshuanahusset killed. Although this suspicion was out in the open, the authorities and judicial system still solely relied on Sue Tas as the only witness and did not look further into these circumstances. This could have simply been that Sue Tas saw the opportunity to pin an open case murder on Tshuanahusset which would explain why he reported him much later from when the murder actually occurred. Also, Sue Tas was threatened by his own tribe and chief after he went to the authorities and reported Tshuanahusset. This information was set aside by all authorities because they simply did not want to complicate the investigation and close it as soon as possible. This information could have meant that Sue Tas did something that was unforgivable by his tribe and this would not be revealing information, but perhaps this could be that he lied about the information to falsely convict Tshuanahusset. Furthermore, the complication of Sue Tas as the only witness should have encouraged authorities and the judicial system to look further into the murder case of William Robinson and not solely rely on one witness, yet through they perfunctory behaviour they closed the case quickly and…
The Eastbourne manslaughter was an 1860 legal case in Eastbourne, England, concerning the death of 15-year-old Reginald Cancellor (some sources give his name as "Chancellor"[1] and his age as 13 or 14[2]) at the hands of his teacher, Thomas Hopley. Hopley used corporal punishment apparently with the intention of overcoming what he perceived as stubbornness on Cancellor's part, with the result that boy died from the injuries that were caused him.…
Manslaughter is a crime that is unjustified, inexcusable, and the intentional killing of a human being, whether it be involuntary or voluntary. This is the criminal charge that Adrian Crump from Jacksonville, Florida had to face. He shot a 15-year-old boy, around 2 in the morning, who was driving around shooting rocks from a slingshot. Adrian heard a noise in his home and thought it was a gunshot. He got up and checked it out, then went back inside and grabbed his gun as well as getting dressed. He then got in his car and pulled up behind the offender’s car, and shot the boy because he put his hands down, and he said he thought the kid was reaching for a gun. During the trial the prosecutor and defense team brought up the two sides of the story. We were asked how we felt about the trial and how we would find him. I took into consideration Adrian’s motivation or intention, self-defense, the witness’ statements, and crimes going on around the city.…
On the behalf of the client Gene Forrester, we the prosecution find him Guilty of committing voluntary manslaughter upon Phineas. He is found guilty of voluntary manslaughter on the following counts : He has the means, motive based on a mental illness, the opportunity, the witnesses that will testify against him, as well as a full out written confession.…
Judge Lawrence Wargrave on the stand for the mass murder on Soldier Island. How shall you plea “ Guilty of the murder of ten people”. Now to say the people on the island were guilty themselves. He knew he had done wrong and therefore killed himself as well. Knowing all those people died for no other reason but someone else's enjoyment is wrong and Wargrave is guilty.…
Jeffrey Dahmer was a notorious serial killer in the late 70’s throughout the early 90’s. What made him stand out from most serial killer’s was what he did to the bodies of his victims. During this research paper, I will cover his childhood life, what led to his lifestyle of killing and cannibalism and also the crimes that were committed during his murderous acts. I will also compare what theories relate to Jeffrey Dohmer and what could possibly be the reason why he did what he did.…
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I am speaking today to defend George Milton on the murder of Lennie smalls. If George did not kill Lennie, then curly would have, and curly would have made Lennie’s death much more painful. Curly said that he would shoot Lennie in the gut, as we all know, this death would be much more painful than getting shot right in the head and dying immediately. Curly was after Lennie for revenge because Lennie accidentally killed Curly’s wife. Lennie was going to die anyway and George just did Lennie a favor by making his death more humane. George could have just saved Lennie by helping him escape, but he would eventually be found and sent to prison, and if Lennie was in prison he would be abused by inmates and tortured. So again, George was just helping Lennie and saving him from a lot of pain down the road by killing him. Even if George helped Lennie escape from the farm and if he ended up not being found by the law and not going to prison, Lennie would still risk the chance of accidentally killing more people in the future. Lennie does not know his own strength. He killed a mouse by gently squeezing its head, and he killed a woman by just grabbing her hair. Lennie did not feel sorry for doing this, or even realizing that he did anything wrong. Due to his mental disability, Lennie can’t differentiate right from wrong, this factor along with his height and strength makes him a very dangerous person. George was saving Lennie from a lot of trouble and saving a lot of people from getting hurt by killing Lennie. The last reason why it was right for George to kill Lennie was that he could have just set Lennie free and let him go try to live on his own. But Lennie is not the type of man that is able to provide for himself. George has been in charge of Lennie ever since his aunt Clara died. George is like a father figure for Lennie, and letting him go off and try to live on his own…
Ghastly murder! Revolting and mysterious murder! Dreadful mutilation of a woman! These were some of the garish newspaper headlines that petrified all England in 1888. For three months in 1888 fear and panic stalked the streets of London’s East End by a man who became known as ‘Jack the Ripper’. “My knife is nice and sharp. I want to get to work right away if get the chance,” Jack the Ripper. Due to evidence from the letters that he wrote to the authorities, Jack the Ripper didn’t only murder for fun, but he thought it as his work as seen through his…
In 1972, the murder of Maxwell Confait came before the courts. Two were convicted of the crime. A report was taken out by Sir Henry Fisher into the inquiry of system failures within the conviction process. The main issue was that of the police investigative processes which were put to blame for the miscarriages of justice this case (Newburn, Williamson & Wright, 2007). The Fisher report raised questions between administrative inquires and the judicial system, however, the report was not just an inquiry about facts of the law, but also a plan for change within the law (McBarnet, 1978).…
This is meant to mean that no matter the severity of the crime committed by a person, it doesn’t automatically mean that they are a bad person. To determine if a criminal is a bad person it involves understanding the motivation that is the cause of the crime committed by the criminal. This is shown in the film Ned Kelly as Ned’s crimes are committed in retaliation for the mistreatment of him by the Victorian Police. This film portrays Ned as heroic figure who is standing up to mistreatment and it portrays the police as villainous scum due to their abuse of power.…
Mary Maloney is guilty of second degree murder because of her well executed plan no emotion after the murder and her laughter at the thought of the detectives eating the evidence she killed her husband Patrick the detective favored by all and loved by all will you let Maloney got away with the murder of Patrick Maloney you the jury must find Mary Maloney guilty without a…
May it please the court, your Honor, Counsel, my name is Corinne Newbern, counsel for-the prosecution in this action. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is my intent to prove to you that during that fateful night in the Atlantic Ocean, Mr. Dudley and Mr. Stephens selfishly and cowardly stole the life of Mr. Brooks and proceeded to eat him because they valued their own lives over that of a fellow crewmate. Mr. Brooks, Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Dudley were all crew members on a ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean. They would never reach their destination though. Halfway through their journey a horrible storm struck and caused the ship to sink. Mr. Brooks and his fellow survivors, Mr. Dudley and Mr. Stephens, were all stranded on a small life boat with no food, completely at the mercy of God. Mr. Stephens estimated they could only last 25 days without food. So day in and day out they sat on this lifeboat, waiting for a ship to come. Eventually Mr. Dudley and Mr. Stephens grew desperate. The facts will show that exactly 5 days before they were rescued by a passing ship, Mr. Dudley and Mr. Stephens killed and engaged in a ruthless act of cannibalism by eating Mr. Brooks in an attempt to prolong their survival. Witnesses will provide evidence to show that the remains of Mr. Brooks were found inside the stomach of the accused. Mr. Dudley and Mr. Stephens also confessed when questioned by authorities about the events that took place on the lifeboat. They acted cowardly and selfishly stole the life of an innocent man. Mr. Brooks’ family will never be able to say good bye or have a proper burial to honor him because these two men stole that away from them.…