Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive organs. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is one of the most serious complications of a sexually transmitted disease in women. This disease can lead to irreversible damage to the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or other parts of the female reproductive system, and it is consider the primary preventable cause of infertility in women.
PID is a complication often caused by some STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia. The cervix prevents bacteria that enter the vagina from spreading to the internal reproductive organs. When the cervix is exposed to other STDs, it becomes infected and less able prevent the spread of organisms to the …show more content…
Women are urged to receive treatment if they are experiencing pain in the pelvix area. PID is treated with antibiotics to provide empiric, broad spectrum coverage of likely pathogens. Antibiotics are used as an initial treatment for mild cases of PID. If treatment is not effective or if the infection is severe, you may need to be hospitalized to receive medication intravenously (directly into the vein).
When PID causes an abscess, surgery in the following method since the antibiotics are no longer effective. Surgery is often needed to remove the abscess in order to prevent rupture and widespread of the infection throughout the pelvis and abdomen area.
PID can be prevented by using condoms during sexual intercourse. This helps to protect people from sexual transmitted infections which may cause PID. It is best to remain with one sexual partner which may lower the risks of infections. Couples should get regular checkups and get tested for any STIs. If one finds outs they are diagnose with PID, it is safer to retain from sex and get medical attention