Hunter Gatherer is Josh Locy's debut film, and stars Andre Royo (The Wire) as Ashley, a middle aged black man who has just returned home from prison. Ashley is a misguided romantic, who believes his life will be exactly the same upon his return, despite having made no effort to maintain his former relationships. After arriving home, Ashley soon learns that the love of his life and longterm girlfriend, Linda, has moved on from him after claiming he never wrote to her while in prison. With new friend, Jeremy, a kind yet simpleminded man, Ashley embarks on a plan to win Linda back, as well as make money. His plan is two fold, get old refrigerators, dispose of them for a profit and learn to write cursive.…
As you walk the downtown streets, and area of Cranbrook B.C you will often see and meet, not only your domestic house pets, but the many urban deer walking through your yard or down the streets. The deer in the area are usually not harmful and will usually run away if approached. The deer in the area only bother the people by eating there well thought out gardens, trees and plants. In the spring the deer can be a little more aggressive and have known to stalk, and attack animals as to protect their newborn fawns. The deer have been an ongoing problem in the community. There has been a deer cull activated in the past few years, allowing an organization to catch and kill up to 20-50 deer per cull. Some say this is inhumane as the deer are trapped…
It has been estimated that by 2020, the United States will have spent at bare minimum, $39.6 billion on drones. Most people have been plagued by the mindset that because it is only a fraction of air and ground weaponry, much less anyway, America is definitely making progress. “Drones are an excellent refinement……They’re a marked departure from the 20th century game of delivering destruction on a wide scale: whereas a bomber-wing nuclear-submarine or aircraft-carrier battle group costs billions, puts hundreds of…
Just because we have the technological power to use drones to take people/things out, that does not necessarily mean that we should. The main concern being brought up, that while we as a nation may have always killed people with a certain form of ease in the name of war, it has come at a high cost. It is expensive, and not too easy. However, with this drone system it is easier, less expensive, and does not require so much blood shed. This is an area of concern because this may become us as a nation to become much more relaxed when it comes to moral…
The American society in which we grew up is one that prides itself on the advancements we continuously make in the technological field. Though there is some value in the use of devices to aid our lazy American culture, the sacrifices of opening our skies to the new drone age greatly outweighs the benefits of making life easier than it already is. While many companies shift to now offer drone delivery right to our doorsteps, the administrators in charge are not paying attention to the laundry list of determinants that can result from our growing reliance and dependence on something which stands as a want as opposed to a necessity. Drones should not be regarded as the top technological success…
While the development of new devices, helps the society, they also pay a major part in hindering the society. For example the development of cyber world was a great invention, but with this invention came cyber bullying. Similarly drones can be the next weapon used by criminals. With introduction of devices like drones criminals won’t be required to go out in the open to commit crimes. If the police can use drones to catch…
Lions. The majestic kings of the jungle. Born and raised in Africa? Wouldn’t it be a shame if, such magnificent creatures were hunted? Well that's what happened to Cecil the lion. Cecil may have been one of the world's most famous and popular lions at Hwange National Park in Africa. He was lured out of a protected National Park then killed by Walter Palmer, a recreational big-game hunter with a crossbow. His death infuriated the whole world, now, everyone wants justice. Big game hunting is a huge problem in the Eastern hemisphere and around the world; therefore more things should be done to protect big game from trophy hunters. The money they pay to go hunting is outrageous, but the same amount of money can be earned from tourists viewing…
How does poaching effect hunting? Poaching can effect hunting in several different ways. One of those ways is by the deer population dropped 1,000,000 from the year of 2012 to 2013 from poaching. The dropping of the deer population this much could cause hunting to be banned (Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources White-tailed Deer Report). People who poach are the reason for the population of animals dropping.…
Drones are not expensive to make and are very effective. Drone attacks have saved people’s lives. The traditional way of war is very dangerous. Men have to be physically out on the battlefield, fighting, not knowing if they are going to make it out alive. Yes guns, tanks, bombs, and many more weapons are being used, but they would not know if they had hit their target or not. Also, more damage is made to people’s…
An avid hunter of deer, I choose to follow United States hunting laws and regulations for a single seasonal of Ohio deer hunting each year. My personal goal is to provide food for my family, a “trophy” deer is bonus not a priority. Poaching and Trophy Hunting are also the hunting of animals however that is where the similarities end. Poaching is the illegal hunting of animals for several reasons that will be discussed. Trophy hunting is the legal hunting of animals. Poaching is the uncontrolled and unmonitored illegal hunting of animals. Trophy hunting is monitored and permits are issued. Poaching and trophy hunting are both consistently utilized in foreign countries, most notably Africa. The two types of hunts are also done in the United States. Do Animal Poaching and Trophy Hunting cause the same…
Drones are capable of being used by terrorists and other criminals for their bad intentions. For example, in the article “Drone Home” on page 7, Lev Grossman points out the possible security concerns revolving the domestic use of drones.…
Tips and advice for hunting. It is very hard to hunt in Alaska with low temperatures in such a big state. Its important to plan ahead and start the application process very early (by: Daniel Hicks) to ensure the best opportunities when hunting. The sub-zero temperatures(by :Kevin Wilson) make it very hard. So always stay moving and dress warm, comfortable, and in layers.Also, you should always be prepared physically and mentally for tough weather at all times.…
On the other hand the argument can be made that drones are invading the privacies of people and are a nuisance that will lead to a more robotic sky than a natural one. These are true and are concerns for the future, drones have a number of more benefits than cons. Drones provide a more stress free life and will lead to a more productive society because of their ability to be mobile and compact. Drones are the way of the future and will be seen more in the news and in more controversial debates but they are the best way to go heading into the future so they should be allowed to…
Like any new technology, drone can be used for harmful purposes or for advancement of human life. For new technology they come with great deed and bad flaw. The benefits that drone brings to safety, efficiency, environment, economy, far outweighs the harmful drawbacks. Drone technology should be allowed and also regulated by law. This is the reasons why we should start using and improving our…
Some people only see the sport hunting that happens on tv shows. The hunting shows hunters that only shoot the big mature bucks.This could be considered sport hunting because they are doing it for points. I don't think that sport hunting is something you should do. There are different laws for different animals.…