Prescription drug treatment programs can help those who find themselves addicted to prescription meds. The key to recovery lies in understanding how the addiction is triggered and what can be done to treat it.
How Prescription Drug Abuse Starts …show more content…
However, addiction is still a problem in the United States. Most who find themselves becoming addicted to and abusing prescription medicines reach that point because they used the drugs in a way other than recommended by their doctor. This can happen in a variety of ways, including increasing the dosage to get stronger affects (often the case with painkillers) or taking the medicine more frequently with no other goal in mind other than getting high. Opioid pain relievers, anti-anxiety medicines, and ADHD prescriptions like Adderall and Ritalin are some of the most commonly misused drugs.
In recognizing the indications of prescription drug abuse, whether it be for yourself or someone you care about, it should be remembered that every person reacts differently and every drugs produces varying effects. Because of this, there is no strict guideline for recognizing dependency. Neither is there a reliable timeline to determine how long addiction will take to develop for any given