Ailurus fulgens a species that’s threatened by inbreeding depression. The risk of extinction is higher than average for red pandas. The red panda or Ailurus fulgens species is a unique and valued part of the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. Known for it’s distinctive raccoon like appearance and distinctive red coat the red panda is easily identifiable amongst its giant counterpart.. “The red panda... is a small arboreal mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China that has been classified as vulnerable by IUCN as its wild population is estimated at less than 10,000 mature individuals”(Wang). they have long reddish black fur on their torso and tail along with black fur on their legs and a light face. Their head has upright ears, badges similar to a raccoon, a black nose, and immensely dark eyes. Their tails have approximately six …show more content…
They are usually used as good luck charms in cultural ceremonies such as weddings. In Nepal pandas were captured and sold into zoos. Thanks to CITES the numbers have drastically dropped in recent years, yet poaching continues, and they are usually sold to private owners at exorbitant prices.
As of 2008 the species has been labeled vulnerable due to having a population of approximately 10,000 adults. “Due to their shy and secretive nature, and their largely nocturnal habits, observation of red pandas is difficult. Therefore, population figures in the wild are determined by population density estimates and not direct counts”(Wang) also in Burma people thought red pandas were commonplace, and had “proof” which turned out to be a nocturnal creature called a civet.
“The red panda is protected in all range countries, and hunting is illegal.”(Wang). Conservation efforts vary greatly between countries.China has 35 protected areas covering about 42.4% of red panda habitat,”(Wang) India has 20 protected areas with known or possible red panda