Medline Plus / Kraft M. Approach to the patient with respiratory disease. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2011:chap 83.. 2013. Skin Discolouration. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 14]…
2) characterized by pain and a rash with watery blisters and a red area that itches…
Pertussis is a respiratory tract infection that is very contagious. It got its name because of the sharp high-pitched intake of air that makes a “whooping” sound that follows a fit of coughs. It was originally considered a childhood disease but now it affects those children that are too young to have completed vaccination and those who have slowly lost the immunity to it. This can cause death in infants, which is why pregnant women should be vaccinated against it. Whooping cough is caused by the bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. It produces many virulence factors including the pertussis toxin and since it can be transmitted through droplets, it can go from person to person making it highly contagious. When the infected person coughs or sneezes, the droplets in the air can be taken in by anyone nearby.…
Also known as Valley fever is an infection that is caused by the fungi Coccidioides. The fungus grows in soil found in the southwestern part of the United States as well as Mexico and Central/South America. Those living in these designated areas can contract this disease by inhaling the fungal spores in the air. This is considered a self limiting respiratory infection so most individuals that are infected present with mild to no symptoms at all. A patient with this disease can present with the following signs and symptoms anywhere from 1-3 weeks after breathing in the fungal spores due to its incubation period of 10-16 days. The symptoms consist of, fatigue, cough, SOB, fever, chills, HA, night sweats, muscle aches/joint pain, rash on the upper body or legs (erythema nodosum). These symptoms can last 7-30 days or up to several months depending on the severity. In regards to patient history, it is important to get a travel history especially if they went to an endemic area to determine their risk of exposure. Some exam findings could be respiratory manifestations such as rales, rhonchi, bronchial breath sounds, or decreased breath sounds. Skin findings could consist of diffuse, maculopapular rashes or urticaria that may progress to erythema nodosum or erythema multiforme after 3-21 days. Abscess formation can also be found on PE and unifocal bone or joint lesions if MS involvement. It can involve several organs such as the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, and the CNS can be involved resulting in meningitis.…
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Reveals superficial erosions along the lips, particularly the lower lips, the posterior buccal mucosa, along the sides of the tongue, and also some superficial erosions along the upper and lower gingiva. Her posterior pharynx was difficult to visualize, but I saw no erosions on the areas…
The lymphatic system serves as a conduit for trafficking of lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells to regional lymph nodes, where the immune system encounters pathogens, microbes, and other immune elicitors. Microorganisms and other foreign substances are filtered from lymph by lymph nodes and from blood by the spleen. In addition, lymphocytes and other cells are capable of destroying microorganisms and other foreign substances. Because the lymphatic system fights infections, and filters blood and lymph to remove microorganisms, many infectious diseases produce symptoms associated with the lymphatic…
Complications of SARS have been noted to be possible, respiratory failure, liver failure or heart failure. Many individuals required to have breathing assistance due to the severity of the effects to the respiratory system. The death rate of infected patients was reported as 9 to 12 %. Those infected patients over the age of 65 had a death rate of higher than 50%.…
Mary and Bill adopted a three-year-old toddler named Sam two weeks ago. Sam is good-natured and very inquisitive. Typically, before the finalization of an adoption, children are required to undergo a routine examination by a physician. However, the required examination is not meant to be a complete health screening, and many conditions are not even checked. Therefore, Mary and Bill are bringing Sam to Trinity Medical Center for a standard physical examination by a pediatrician to assess his health status.…
Global Health - Division of Parasitic Diseases . (2010, February 28). Malaria. Retrieved September 3, 2011, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:…
Another idea of success that Happy and Biff embodied from Willy was materialism, the urge to claim as many material things as they can. During Happy and Biffs childhood they observed how Willy got in dues and stole many material things just so he could feel successful. It came to the point in which he had his sons steal for him just so he can feel more empowered over things, and since Happy and Biff were growing around that idea they started to embody it. For instance, as happy got older he was just like his dad, had all the material things he wanted, even the women, but still felt empty. And its not until Biff asks Happy why he's not content with his life since he has all the material things he wanted, and Happy responds to Biff by saying " it’s what I always wanted. My own apartment, a car, plenty of women, and still, goddamnit, I’m lonely. (Act 1)". In other words, this shows how even though he had all the material things he ever wanted, he still didn’t feel happy and successful, because he wanted more.…
It’s been made clear by the author, that the average American citizen does not possess an optimal knowledge on mathematics. Assuming that his words reflect the truth, naturally. The sole fact that society has converted the incapacity of an adult to perform basic mental processes into a laughing matter, reveals the alarming condition of the country’s masses. Therefore, without any developed mathematical skills, it wouldn’t be too implausible to believe that a standard individual is unable to tell, or at least estimate, the consistency of any given statistic. Nonetheless, Joel Best’s goal is not to prove the inefficiency of the education system, but the credulity and lack of judgment of the general public.…
Yellow fever is an acute viral disease is a hemorrhagic fever caused by the Flavivirus. Acute means it comes onset rapidly meaning it affects the whole body. Experts believe the disease originated in Africa and it was introduced in South America in the slave trade within the 16th century. Several major disease epidemic cases have taken place in Europe, the Americas and Europe since the 17th century. It was deemed as the most common dangerous disease in the 19th century.…
Sarcoidosis is a disease which can affect many organs with in the body. It causes the development of granulomas which are clumps of cells from the immune system. When the lungs are affected from it, it makes breathing difficult because the lymph nodes in the neck, chest an around the lungs become enlarged and tender. Fluid then accumulates around the lung area rendering your breathing ability. You may also notice…
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney and upper urinary tract that usually results from noncontiguous bacterial infection of the bladder. It is a renal disorder that involves the pyelum, pelvis or the parenchymal tissues which commonly known as pyelitis. A more severe form of the disease, on the other hand is called urosepsis. The common bacteria that usually found in patient with this disease are E-coli, staphylococcus, and streptococcus. Most kidney infections result from lower urinary tract infections, usually bladder infections. Bacteria can travel from the vagina or rectal area (anus) into the urethra and bladder. Lower urinary system infections may spread to the kidneys, causing pyelonephritis. When you have a bladder infection, the usual mechanism that prevents urine from flowing back to the kidneys does not work properly. This problem can allow infected urine to move into the kidneys and cause a kidney infection that will bring damage to the kidney. Pyelonephritis can either be acute or chronic.…
Inflammation is defined as the presence of edema fluid and the invasion of tissue by leukocytes. Inflammation is characterized by heat, redness, pain, and swelling. These characteristics are the result of the release of various chemical mediators during an immune response. Cytokines and other inflammatory mediators act on local blood vessels causing dilation of blood vessels and an increase in vascular permeability. Blood flow is increased and there is an increase in the leakage of fluid and proteins from blood vessels into tissues. This increase in blood flow and vascular permeability is produced so that immune cells can leave blood vessels, enter blood cells and fight infection.…