Kids would be
Kids would be
In the article “In Defense of the Liberal Arts”, Lane Wallace gives an example of what someone could do if they drop out of college. It also explains why staying in college and earning a degree is important. I agree with the article and believe that staying in school will benefit the student in the long run, even if they don’t think it is important.…
Larry Cuban, a former social studies high school teacher, superintendent, manages to compress the mantra that has been repeated for several of years with his article entitled, “Why Everyone Shouldn’t Go To College”. He accomplishes this by giving us countless of interesting facts about the reality of college and life. He argues that the annual college tuition seems to be extremely expensive, that may not worth the amount of money you’re paying.In addition, he makes note that college graduates working at manufacturing places that don’t need college diplomas, in order to complete their job. Furthermore, he makes clear that one might be a high school dropout or graduate of high school and can still be highly…
In the article The Right to Fail, William Zinsser believes that the word dropout should not always have negative connotations. Persons who are under a certain age and leave school, or drop out, are often considered failures by societies set standards. Zinsser believes these standards set by society makes failing an almost unspeakable act and that the media, through advertisements and commercials, shows successful people living an American dream, filled with happiness, not the failure associated with dropouts.…
According to the U.S. department of education an estimated 1.2 million U.S. high school students drop out annually, left with no degree, no qualifications and no work experience. The American education system is based on the idea that no child should be left behind -opportunity for all. However, encouraging everyone to attend university regardless of how impractical it may be for the individual, is part of the problem.…
This generation of students coming from high school are slowly losing their choice of if they want to attend college or not. This will soon become a requirement in order to get the job and being able to live off of the job. The competition of getting that dream job just became more difficult and we as young adults have no choice but to put in four more years of education for a total of sixteen years of…
Recess is a time in which every child in America experienced and enjoyed at one point in their lifetime. Look back to your own childhood: how important was recess and play time to you? Banning recess in elementary schools has been an important topic of debate for most school districts around the country. As stated by the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines recess as ‘regularly scheduled periods within the elementary school day for unstructured physical activity and play’” (Murray and Ramstetter 183). Almost half of all school districts have shifted…
Students’ dropping out of high school has become an ongoing phenomenon throughout the nation. High school dropouts will face many challenges throughout their lives. The attainment of various skills and higher levels of education are very important in today’s competitive world and economy. High school dropouts, on average earn less money, are more likely to end up in jail, are less likely to be married, and are most likely to be unhappier than high school graduates. Even though education gaps hav,e soared to new heights, dropout rates throughout the past three decades have been mostly unchanged. This problem highly affects minorities and low-income students. The primary goal of this paper is to provide a plan to lower the high school dropout…
The current education system strongly presses the case for high schoolers to go to college. Rarely, however, does it explore other options for kids who aren’t college-oriented. While it is true that globalization means high-paying manufacturing jobs are not a major career option in the United States, many skilled trade and technical fields are experiencing a shortage of workers. During his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama said, “This can be community college or a four year school, vocational training, or an apprenticeship. But whatever the training may be, every American will need to get more than a high school diploma.” (Source C). While Obama does say every American will need more than a high school diploma, he doesn’t argue that every American needs to go to college. That is because every American doesn’t need to go to college. Plenty of skilled trade jobs pay just as well or even better than some jobs only available to those with degrees. Not all students should go to college because college isn’t the only way to get a good job outside of high…
Students should stay in school until they're 18 because they will get a higher education. According to the newspaper article, the National Education weekly, President Pushes States to Raise Dropout Age, New Hampshire graduation rates increase as age requirements…
John F. Kennedy once said, “A child miseducated is a child lost.” This quote is very powerful to the point you might have to debate how important education is. Saying that if a child that isn’t educated correctly means the child is lost is a pretty big phrase. Everyone in the US is required to go to school until they turn 16 and then they can drop out, but is dropping out the best idea considering the low income the student would get? Even if student get a high school degree, is college that bad to where you can’t go even though the benefits are thousands of more dollars, more job opportunities, and also helping the country’s economy. There are many reasons why everyone should go to college or at least not totally push the thought of going out of your mind such as, a better chance at getting employed, getting a higher salary, and affecting the country for the better.…
As I sit in my classroom and look around to each of my peers I hear them talk about how “This is too much work!”, “I hate being in school.”, “I'm dropping out and never coming back!”. I realize how fortunate we are unlike the kids in other countries who don’t even get the opportunity to go to school. For the ones who do get the chance they have to go through great lengths such as walking long distances or they don't have the appliances to handed to them like we do in America. I've decided that my responsibility to America is to ensure that I'm taking advantage of all of my education opportunities to the best of my ability, in anyway that I can.…
Why should a child be allowed to dropout at 16 when they are not eligible to vote or join the military? Teens in South Carolina can’t buy cigarettes, alcohol, or even a lottery ticket until they are 18 but can make a life changing decision to drop out of school while still considered a child. If students are aware of how valuable education is, maybe they will realize that dropping out isn’t a smart choice. Every day 7,000 teenagers become high school dropouts while 30% of students in the U.S fail to graduate on time each year (“Get Involved with Choices as an Individual Donor").…
Statistics shows total number of high school drop outs annually is 3,030,000. The numbers increase every year, especially for male students. Education is the future for today’s students, yet little take so seriously. For Edwin Rebollar, a 16 year old senior at Aldine high school, works very hard to make his education his first priority as well. He talks highly about going to college and goes out his way to make good grades. He also speaks highly about his parents pushing to go further with his education. “I feel like college can open so many opportunities for me, and I want to be something in life.” Rebollar said “my…
To achieve the American dream one doesn’t always need to go to college. If one really wants their dreams to come true then they won’t let anything get in their way. In fact, my uncle became really successful and he only graduated high school. He had a dream that he wanted to start his own business and he did it. Now him and my dad work for him by doing planning architecture for big buildings and companies. Nothing was handed to him or anyone who is successful. Just because one does not go to college President Obama states that “there’s not reason why we can’t restore the basic American promise that if you work hard, you can do well.” (Obama, 2012)…
Imagine someone being 17 years old with a few months left until high school graduation and on their own with the future to think about; that person was me. I decided that I was going to wait a couple of years before I went back to school and I really wish that I wouldn’t have. If I wouldn’t have waited, I would already be done with my degree and making good money. Students should attend college immediately after high school to better their education, achieve independence, and earn higher wages.…