Heller case. This case was the first one addressed in approximately seventy years that concerned the second amendment in only the second time that the “famous phrase was used: ‘the right to bear arms.’” Heller was allowed to protect himself on the job; however, he was not granted the permission to have a gun (“Supreme Court”). Heller states, “ D.C. law has it backwards: ‘I can protect federal workers, but, at the end of the day, they say,’ turn in your gun—you can’t protect your home’” (North). Heller and five others confronted the Districts Firearms Control and Regulation Act of 1975. The act consumed a strict gun control regulation that limited few from owning a personal firearm. This required all guns to be unloaded and put away after each shift. The court protected the Second Amendment of the Constitution in a five to four vote that an individual does have the right for personal protection with handguns (“Supreme …show more content…
Heller case, McDonald v. City of Chicago petition the right to consume a handgun in one’s home for self-defense. The city of Chicago and Oak Park suburb banded citizens the possessions of hand guns(Nieto). The court recognized that the murder rate has excelled since the ban was forced. The city is now facing one of the highest murder rates and violent crimes in the country (Coia). Otis McDonald desired the want own a firearm due to the right crime rate in his neighborhood. According to Chicago City Council, the hand gun ban was established to protect property and the lives of Chicago citizens. The petitioners believe that this ban increased the crime rate and left them to fin for their own safety. McDonald, himself, demonstrated safety procedures to eliminate such criminal activity. Colleen Lawson, another petitioner who experienced home burglary, believed that the chance of being killed in future acts would decrease while in the possession of a gun. Each petitioner due to the ban were obligated to keep their handguns outside the city which made home security incompetent. The court was first approached by the petitioners petitioning to overrule the current bans. Secondly, they petitioned that it did not meet the right of the second amendment. The Supreme Court voted five to four that the local bam was surely unconstitutional