The Trinity is the most important doctrine in Christianity because it defines God. The Trinity states the God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the basis of all Christianity, which makes it crucial to the religion. It defines who and what God is. It reveals that God is much more than a normal human being, and is separate from this universe. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus refers to God as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You can also find references to the Trinity in many other sections in the bible. Although the term Trinity is not used in the Bible, the whole phrase can be found multiple times within the Bible. The Trinity is a teaching that is taught in all branches of Christianity. It also refers …show more content…
God released the Holy Spirit in John 14:26. The Holy Spirit is one of the least understood parts of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit lives inside all of us and helps us live sin free. It gives us happiness and joy. It helps us interpret God’s word and comforts us. During the baptism of Jesus, it appears as a dove. The Holy Spirit is clean of any sin or darkness. It is purely holy. Although the Bible mentions when God sends the Holy Spirit down to earth, it really does not have any beginning or end. It is believed that the Holy Spirit lives in heaven and the heart and every believer. Unlike the Father and Son, the Holy Spirit is mentioned in every book of the Bible. It is there to help one change into the person they strive to be.
How is it possible for God to be three different beings? Does that mean that Christianity is a polytheistic religion? No, this does not mean that Christianity is polytheistic. Actually, the Trinity is Christianity’s statement of monotheism. The Trinity is not three separate beings. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one spiritual being with three alter egos. If one thinks about with mathematical terms, the Trinity in not 1+1+1=3. It is 1x1x1=1. The Trinity is three separate parts that become a