Research Paper on Water Pollution
Comprising over seventy percent of the Earth's surface, water is undeniably the most valuable natural resource. Life on Earth would be non-existent without water because it is essential for everything on our planet to grow. The human body is composed of 50-80% water. Blood and muscles contain significant amounts, and approximately 95% of the brain is water. All body systems and organs need water to function properly, and will shut down without it. Most of the chemical reactions that take place in our body need water as their medium. We can live without food for a few weeks, but can survive only a few days without water. It's essential because unlike other nutrients, water isn't stored in the body. Typically, everyday, we lose around 10 cups of water, just living; urinating, perspiring and breathing. All organisms contain water; some live in it; some drink it. Plants and animals require water that is pure, and they cannot survive if their water is loaded with toxic chemicals or harmful microorganisms. Yet even though humans recognize this fact, the population has disregarded it by polluting the rivers, lakes, and oceans of the world. Consequently, we are harming our planet. In addition to organisms vanishing due to lack of polluted water, the drinking water has become greatly affected, as has the population's ability to use water for farming and recreational purposes. We have lived on this planet for millions of years and we have come to rely on its ability to support and sustain human and animal life indefinitely. The world survives by way of an ecosystem and that system is the core of all living things. For many years now scientists have warned that our cavalier attitude toward preservation of the eco system will cause it to begin breaking down, however, their warnings often fell on deaf ears. In order to combat water pollution, we must understand the causes of water pollution, and ways in which water pollution can be prevented. “The earth we abuse and the living
Bibliography: Patrick, Ruth. Groudwater Contamination in the United States. 2nd ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1987.
Buehler, George H. The Water Crisis. New York: Norton, 1966.
Manes, Marya. More in Anger. Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, 1972.
Sinderman, Carl J. Ocean Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans. CRC Press, 1995.
Adler, Robert. The Clean Water Act 20 Years Later. Island Press, 1993.
Gross, Joel M. Clean Water Act: Basic Practice Series. American Bar Association, 2006.
Boyd, James. “ The New Face of the Clean Water Act”, 2002
Johnson, Kristi