Ethics and Values are very important in every aspect of business because the deepening value crisis in the contemporary Indian society is casting its evil shadow in all walks of life .Despite India having an ancient culture and philosophy about work life, most of the Indian managers still believes in improving management styles and systems from foreign countries. The west is realizing the importance and quality of ancient Indian philosophy, heritage and wisdom. Indian managers are out rightly rejecting it to borrow more and more of these from the west. India has already faced a serious of scandals, frauds and scams both in the corporate world as well as the stock market. Even noble professions like education and health are not bereft of many such examples. In order to meet the needs of the situation today, changes are needed not only in the structure, processes, strategies or technologies but also in job related environmental behavioural and cultural dimensions such as the attitudes, skills, behaviour, norms, values & beliefs of people. In this article, I will be discussing the importance & role of having values & ethics in all our business endeavors.
Keywords: Values, Ethics, Business
* Assistant Professor in K.I.E.T, Ghaziabad. Email: alkamba2009@gmail.com Phone- 09999419413
Values strongly influence a person’s attitudes, behaviour, and perceptions. If we know about individuals’ values systems we can gain an insight into “what makes a person tick” This has a several managerial implications for managers who can use their understanding of values to asses if their values align with the dominant values of the organization. Employee’s performance and satisfaction levels will be higher if their values fit well with the organization’s
References: 1. A. N. Tripathi, Human Values, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2009. 2. Bani. P. Banerjee, Foundation of Ethics in Management, Excel Books, 2010. 3. Jyotsna Diwan Mehta & Priti gupta, Business Ethics & Ethos, A Pragati Prakashan, 2009. 4. Prof. Bhagwat S.Goyal, Human Values and Professional Ethics, Srijan Prakashan, 2010. 5. N. Venkataiah (1998) Value Education, APH publishing corporation, New Delhi. 6. www.google.co.in