Chopping Board
Alcohol Lamp
Stirring Rod
Wire Gauze
Test Tube
STEP 1: Prepare all the materials needed.
STEP 2: Wash the plants.
STEP 3: Using weighing scale, measure the amount needed.
STEP 4: Measure the water in liters.
STEP 5: Put all ingredients and wait until extract will produce.
STEP 6: After producing the extract, we will just sift to make sure that only extract of plant will produce.
STEP 7: After sifting we will put it on the bottle and wait for an hour until it gets cold.
This project entitled Organic Syrup as Mosquito Larvae Killer focuses on lessening the rate of dengue victims. This experiment test if we can prevent mosquitoes to increase their numbers in a short period of time. This insect repellent is also an eco-friendly type that neither destroys nor affects the environment. Using this kind of repellent we assure that we can lessen the rate of mosquito larvae. a. Background of the Study.
Organic Syrup as Larvae-Mosquito killer is an eco-friendly since it is made by organic ingredients. This product is a non-toxic for it is has no any chemicals added. There the ingredients that is being used in this organic syrup: salt, hot chili pepper, garlic, black pepper, atis leaves, lemon grass, tawa-tawa, oregano and vinegar. The “Organic Syrup as Larvae-Mosquito Killer is significant; since harmful mosquitos are one of the big problems in our country which lead to a severe illness and death of many. More than millions of mosquito’s eggs were produced in every single minute, and this could be lessening through this organic syrup. b. Statements of Problem/Objectives.
This study was conducted to find a new solution to the increasing Dengue cases in our country.
Specifically aims to: 1. Determine the effectiveness of the ingredients of the organic