Knowing the terminology in any organization to complete a task or a process is paramount to effectively understand the data being analyzed. Because of technology in many cases it is important to understand and be knowledgeable of available reporting tools. In many organizations they provide glossaries of frequently used acronyms and verbiage used to assist new comers to adapt. This is to prevent them from feeling disorientation when performing their new task or analyzing a new method of presenting data. The following research will discuss new terminology that may be encountered during conducting research or data analysis. Also discuss how this knowledge can be applied the criminal justice field. Furthermore, how not knowing will impact the research and how knowing can be and asset for the employee and the organization. Some important research terminologies are quantitative, qualitative, dependent variables, independent variables, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, scientific research, premises, and probability. Researcher must understand the meaning of these words to conduct a proper scientific research. For example: pure research is when conducting research for knowledge that may contribute to personal or academic continued development. Research is conducted by individuals in different scales every day. Data can virtually be collected from any source and how is collected is a decision the researcher must do. It can be done by conducting interview, surveys, existing data in reporting tools, and observation. When initiating a research the researcher must determine the type of data being collected and if it’s going to be and experimental or non-experimental research. “In quantitative research, concepts are assigned numerical value, whereas in qualitative research, concepts are viewed as sensitizing ideas or terms that enhance our understanding (Hagan, 2010).” Quantitative data is information presented
References: Hagan, F. E. (2010). Research methods in criminal justice and criminology (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.