Research Process- Phases
PHASES OF RESEARCH PROCESS If one would like to have truthful information on world around, on nature, on human being, he/she have to look for convincing data. Collecting such data is process complicated, and complex and due to this very difficult. For layman or even for medical student at the beginning of her/his professional career can seem this statement hypertrophic, overshot, and not very probable. Their view will change quickly when they are involved in research (even very simple). It is generally accepted that reliable information on human health state are necessary for prevention of disease development and disease treatment. Only way how to obtain such information is research in which are used scientific methods and it is done by qualified and experienced scientists. Generally, research is understood as systematic, controlled, empiric and critical investigation of hypothetic statements on supposed relationships among phenomenon. It is a process in which thinking is dominant. Characteristic features of research are: – Systematic solving of scientific problems – using scientific methods – System of interconnecting phases and steps
The research process should be understood as one of ongoing planning, searching, discovery, reflection, synthesis, revision, and learning, as shown in the figure 1 below:
Fig. 1 The inspiration for the Research process model image above was the reflective model from: Edwards S. Bruce C. Reflective Internet Searching, an Action Research Model." In: Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management, Theory, Practice Praxis. Action Research Unit, Griffith University. 5th World Congress of Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management, University of Ballarat, Victoria, September, pp. 141-152. Cited in: Bruce, Christine Susan. "Information Literacy as a Catalyst for Educational Change: A Background Paper." U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information
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procedures and techniques
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