1. P2 Justify the chosen methodology in terms of research question--------------------2
2. P1 Proposed Research Topic-------------------------------------------------------------------2
3. P3 Time line for the research-------------------------------------------------------------------3
4. P4 Ethical Guidelines-------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. P5 Primary and secondary research relating to the proposal----------------------------3
6. P6 Describe and justify the chosen methodology------------------------------------------4
7. P7 Prepare for the research project process and action plan with supervisor---4/5
8. P8 Monitor and revise schedule-------------------------------------------------------------5/6
9. P9 Collect and review data using appropriate methods----------------------------------6
10. P10 Analyze and interpret qualitative and quantitative data----------------------------6
11. P11 Record findings in an accepted format-------------------------------------------------7
12. P12 Present and summaries the findings use suitable methods-----------------------7
13. P13 Evaluate the methodology used and critically analyzes the findings-----------8
14. P14 Proposed recommendation based on findings---------------------------------------8
15. Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
16. Bibliography-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
P1 Proposed Research Topic:
The survey that I have created pertains to the Community Events War Chest; an account set up by the Missoula Area Chamber of Commerce to fund community events in and around the Missoula area. In the past, businesses have donated finances to the Community Events War Chest to enable the Missoula Area Chamber of Commerce to bid on events and bring them to the community at a low
Bibliography: • • Lecture notes • • Case Study • • International journal of environment page 1 • • • •