Relationship between two different business mobile applications models – freemium and premium - and consumer buying habits in mobile app industry
This research proposal focuses on different e-business models and their relationship with the consumer buying behaviour. This research is part of digital marketing strategy field as it specifically examines e-business models in mobile industry. As the research will be examined from the consumer point-of-view, it is also to do with consumer behaviour.
With the rise of the new business models emerging due to technological innovations, various ways to monetize digital content created by firms emerge. The link between different business models and the purchasing behaviour in mobile app industry is the focus of attention of this research project. There is a certain relationship suggested by some primary literature resources, however this relationship is applicable only to very specific types of mobile apps.
The rationale behind the project is that as business models for e-businesses are vaguely analysed in the current academic literature and therefore this research aims to explore this field in more detail.
Research Aims & Objectives
Overall Aim
The overall aim of this project is to examine the relationship between two business models –freemium and premium - and consumer purchasing habits in mobile application (app) industry.
To identify whether people are more likely to spend on in-app purchases or on access to an app.
To investigate whether the relationship in two distinct software markets – iOS and Android - is the same.
To identify whether particular purchasing choice is associated with any other variable such as age, gender, type of an app, etc.
To formulate conclusions on the relationships found and develop a theory.
As the relationship between two variables (business models and purchasing habits) is not established by academic theory, the direction of the
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