Research area:
This study intends to fall in the area of sociolinguistics.
Research topic:
This research will explore the impact of social media (facebook) on academic writing.
Problem statement:
How is the informal language used on (facebook) is affecting the formal language writing skills of the students?
Research questions:
i. The questions to be addressed in this research project are interested in the extent to which Facebook use has an impact on learners’ academic development? ii. This study will investigate the possible effect originating from electronic social media, may have on academic writing? iii. How students’ formal writing (facebook) is creating hinderers in informal writing? iv. How perceived impact can be minimized or maximized?
The main objectives of this research to be fulfilled are as follows
i. To determine whether the impact of social media (Facebook) on students’ academic writing (informal writing) is there or not? ii. To explore on how extent social media is affecting written academic work of the students. iii. To understand the effect of social media (face book) on students in a dual medium in their second language.
The rationale behind this research is that we find ourselves in a technological era where social media (facebook) is becoming part of everyday’s life and internet has become our main source of access to knowledge and an instrument making social connections to friends and family. This much incorporation is creating an affect on students’ academic writing and to what extent is our way to find out.
This study will help the sociolinguistics to see the stance of social media and how it is affecting the society. It will help the students to seek the impact of social media on their writing style. This study will help the teachers to know how to make students able to avoid the extent of social media in their academic performance. Furthermore this study will be
References: The references of my research are: i. ii. iii. iv. v.