Rosie Rutherford, Director, Cymbiosis Consultancy Ltd.
Contact details:
Mobile contact: +44 (0)790 633 6847
Executive summary
Page 3
Section 1
Page 5
Introduction and background to the project
Integrating equality and diversity
Leadership and talent management
The project explained
The policy context
Section 2
Defining talent management
Exploring what is ‘talent’ and ‘talent management’
Constructing a definition
Section 3
A review of talent management
Why talent management?
Talent mobility
Management models and the impact of talent management.
Organisational culture and talent management
What does talent management involve?
What does effective talent look or feel like?
Page 10
Page 17
Presenting 6 key factors.
Section 4
Leadership and talent management
Page 34
Section 5
Summary and key drivers for talent management identified.
Page 35
Section 6
Recommendations for LSIS
Page 36
Section 7
Ideas for future research
Bibliography and resources
Page 37
Page 38
Executive summary
The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) have commissioned this research as stage one of an expansive collaborative project on talent management. This is in recognition that effective talent management is a critical success factor for the future of the learning and skills sector, particularly in an economic climate that demands resilience and a willingness to be open to different perspectives and potential solutions.
Within this research there is an exploration of what is understood by the terms ‘talent’ and ‘talent management’, while considering the implications and outcomes for individuals and organisations when an inclusive or exclusive approach is taken. Equality and Diversity is therefore an integral part of the discussion and analysis, however this will be taken
Bibliography: An Anatomy of Economic Inequality in the UK: Report (2010) BersinJ Cannon, J, A. and McGee, R. (2011) Talent Management and Succession Planning. CIPD. Caplan, J. (2011) The value of talent – promoting talent management across the organisation. Centre for Excellence in Leadership (2005) Leading Change in Diversity and Equality, London: Centre for Excellence in Leadership (2008) Succession planning and racial equality in the further Collins (2001) Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap.. and Others Don’t. Random House. Commission for Black Staff in Further Education (2002) Challenging Racism: Further Education leading the way [online] Available from CIPD: Talent management: understanding the dimensions. (2006). (2010). (2010). CIPD. War on Talent? Talent management under threat in uncertain times. (2009) Crawley, R Ford, Prof. J. Harding, Prof.N. and Stoyanova,Dr D. (2010) Talent Management and Development. Foster, Sir A. (2005) Realising the Potential – A review of the Future of Further Education. Gagné, M., & Deci, E. L. (2005). Self-determination theory and work motivation. Journal of Organisational Behavior, 26, 331-362 Global Human Capital Gender Advisory Council (2008) The leaking pipeline: Where are our female leaders? 79 women share their stories. Harvard Business Review on Talent Management (2008). Harvard Business School. Hogarth T et al., (2009). The Equality Impacts of the Current Recession. Equality and Human Rights Commission, Research Report 47. Kandola, B. (2009) The Value of Difference. Eliminating Bias in Organisations. Pearn Kandola. Lawler 111, E (2008) Talent: Making People Your Competitive Advantage. Jossey Bass, San Francisco. Lewis, R.E. Heckman, R.J. (2006) Talent Management: A critical review. Human Resource Management Review 16, pages 139–154 Learning and Skills Improvement Service. (2010) A review and analysis of age equality practice in the Learning and Skills Sector...a new era of opportunity. Public Personnel Management (2008) Special edition on Talent Management. 37:4. Winter. Puwar, N. (2004) Space Invaders: race, gender and bodies out of place. Palgrove. Poverty and ethnicity a review of evidence (2011) 41 | P a g e Rutherford, S. (2011) .Women’s Work, Men’s Culture. Overcoming Resistance and Changing Organsiational Culture Stahl,G. Bjorkman,I. Farndale, E. Morris, S,S. Paauwe,J. Stiles, P. Trevor, J. ( 2007) Working paper, Global Talent Management, How Leading Multinationals Build and Sustain Their Talent Pipeline. Sullivan, Dr, J. (2011) Talent Management, Lessons from Apple.. A Case study of the world’s most valuable firm TALEO Research. (2011) White paper. UK Talent Mobility in 2011. Tomorrow’s Company: Tomorrow’s Global Talent: A new talent agenda for the UK. 2010. York Consulting, (2005) Recruitment and Retention in the post -16 Learning and Skills Sector.