The topics of my choice concerns everyone in our country, they are problems of very important matter that happen in our daily life. One of them is to build more energy sources, which are solar or wind energy that will help our community for a cleaner environment. The second topic is, do you think is right for the authorities to tried as adult miners that are committing violent crimes? My third topic that I selected is, should the U.S. Government prohibit companies from outsourcing jobs to people in foreign countries that do not have unions and / or fair labor laws? These are the topics of my choice and I will be explaining why that I choose these topics, and why they are important for us.
The reason that I selected the topic of more energy sources is because we need more natural resources to clean our environment. It’s a topic that concerns everyone in our country or even in the whole planet. All the humanity is always trying to find newer ways of producing electricity and the best way of doing these is making more renewal resources. The renewal resource is going to help us stop the global warming and is going to give us more jobs. My audience is the community, the government and all the people that work or is in business in a power plant. My second topic is, should minors who commit violent crimes be tried as adults? I choose these topic because there’s many debates about why or why not tried them as an adult. I been in these kinds of situation whit some people of my family that are very young and that they think they could control the planet I do crimes and they think they could get away of it and not get couth. My audience is parents, psychologist and even the minors will be interested of earing what is going on and why we think these way. We can’t judge a minor from the crimes that he have done, but we can study and learn what cause him to do the crimes and try to help him to improve his living not just sink him in a