The resident advisor position is a unique and powerful position on any campus; but it is particularly appealing to me on Union’s campus. My first real connection with anyone outside of my AOP class, of which I spent a majority of the summer, with was my RA. On a campus so small and compact as Union, an RA is truly an invaluable resource to ask questions of. This is because not only can they answer them directly, but if they are unable to, they possess the resources to turn you to someone who could. My RA became the main point that I referred to for any question, and in the end became a close friend. Therefore, I believe the first appealing aspect about being an RA is the leadership opportunity and the …show more content…
I continued to build on this by becoming a student ambassador, where I spend either 4 hours or even the entire night with a prospective student, showing them the campus and all of the glorious opportunities here. As a result of this personal growth, I was privileged to be selected as one of the inaugural shift leaders at Alumni Gym. I am now one of the point-men for any questions or concerns relating to the gym. By becoming an RA I hope to continue this personal growth, becoming more and more well-versed and meeting more and more people on Union’s campus. Additionally, I will be gaining critical skills that I believe will enable me to be successful in life particularly being a leader around students that are either my age or not much older or younger. I anticipate many issues, especially relating to having to be the smart person when my peers are being unintelligent and ensuring the safety of everyone else in my building and around campus. However, in order to grow, one must be faced with challenges, and it is how that individual confronts those challenges that determine how that individual will grow. The leadership opportunity that the RA position provides not only will provide me with immense growth, but will allow me to