In the article “Improve Aboriginal Health through Oral History,” which was published in the Toronto Star on Sunday, May 2, 2010, the author Nicholas Keung discusses the childhood of aboriginal in residential school and its effect on the healthy relationships.…
Series of traumatic events occurred while residential school were running, but it left a scars on aboriginal people forever. As an aboriginal women I get a lot of understanding from Pauline Johnsons “As it was in the beginning”, growing up on the Six Nation Reserve and having meet people who have experienced the same things as Pauline. Residential schools were open between the 1980’s and the 1990’s and the last school did not close until 1996, the year I was born. Pauline writes, “No more, no more the tepees; no more the wild stretch of prairie, the intoxicating fragrance of the smoke-tanned buckskin; no more the bed of buffalo hide, the soft, silent moccasin; no more the dark faces of my people, the dulcet cadence of the sweet Cree tongue”…
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia are substantially over-represented in the criminal justice system. This is caused by an interplay of complex historical and contemporary factors including dispossession of land, structural disadvantage, systemic racism, intergenerational poverty and trauma, over-policing, substance misuse and mental illness, tough-on-crime policies and the chronic under-funding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal and interpreter services.…
They placed children under the care of Europeans because they thought this would mean “advancing” the aboriginal children. However, many Aborigines are still searching for their children, mothers and other family members. Through this forced separation many aboriginal people have struggled in life, experienced low-self esteem, feeling of worthlessness, social dysfunction, high rates of unemployment and ongoing health issues. This loss if identity can result in depression and other mental illness (Creative Spirit…
"Only drunks and children tell the truth" by drew Hayden Taylor "address the abduction of Aborinal children in the 1960. During the 60's were a number of aboriginal children adopted into non-aboriginal homes and other countries. As this is a 60's the children were abducted from their homes and communities without their family's consent or knowledge. I refer this when Barb reveal (pg 12) on her sister Janice was taken by Canadian Aids society at early age, she was removed from her biological family and raised by a non-aboriginal. There are a large number of First Nation living off reserve and urban areas,a like number of aboriginal children who are in care of foster care. A portion of these adoptees face cultural and identity confusion issues as the result of having been socialized and acculturated into a middle class society. The aboriginal leaders who believes these children are losing touch with their cultural roots. Aboriginal people. Are historically found on the low end of the socio-economic scale in Canada. The are 10 percent of Canadian kids having no support. The loss of language and culture with aboriginal community is a factor in the breakdown of families values, addiction and anti-social behaviour, to name a few consequences. The aboriginal government need to understand the families they service and aid in a repatriation initiative that will help individual and communities return to their traditional values. The values of the culture and identity cannot be overstated. The number of aboriginal people in the urban is growing at an unprecedent rate, large because do the lack of opportunity and housing on reserves. In many instances the social issues found on reserves are being transferred to urban areas, these aboriginal children requires linkages to their culture and language as well as to their home community. They many or may not have suffered abusing during their time in care and in many cases have been removed from their family and the culture. Also I…
Aboriginal people have had to suffer through many different experiences and social determinants over the years, one of them being Residential schools, which has added to many other issues and arising problems. Starting early 1800-1900’s, kids were taken from their families and forced to attend these schools. There were a variety of the schools across Canada. The schools were government funded, and run through churches, where priests and nuns taught; some of the teachers were hardly educated themselves. Families were told that their children must attend these schools, because of the Indian Act that had been implemented, or the family members would be arrested or suffer greater consequences.…
How would you feel if, as a young child, you were taken from your home and driven to an unfamiliar school many kilometers away? What would it be like to live in a strange dorm where you cannot speak your language or follow your religion? Why would these peculiar people drag you here and abuse you? 150,000 Indigenous people have experienced that torture and shame, which has then continued into many other issues for many of those people; such as depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, lower socioeconomic status on average, and suicide. Residential schools powerfully damaged Aboriginal people in a way we cannot ignore.…
Most ATSI children and families are emotionally and financially disadvantaged compared to non-Aboriginal children and families. Victorian Aboriginal people have poorer health, higher unemployment and lower educational outcomes than non-aboriginal people. Combined with problems of parenting and family violence, they can have a negative effect on early childhood development.…
t h e s t o l e n g e n e r a t i o n…
Most Canadians today have the misconception of residentials school existing a long time ago and is considered history when in fact, the last residential school closed 20 years ago. The main purpose of the residential schools was to force indigenous children into the Canadian society by educating them through the church's teachings. The residential schools existed for 165 years, the first school opening in 1831 that resulted in victimizing about 150,000 children. The system took children away from their homes only to return as teenagers that lead to them not being exposed to their culture. The students were dubbed as the stolen generation. The legacy of residential schools impacted the future generations of aboriginals…
Residential Schools were a product of the Canadian government to provide cultural genocide of the indigenous community with the intended effect of separation from their land, their culture, and their identity as Aboriginal Peoples. These schools were in effect from the 1870s until the last one closed in 1996, with over 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Métis children who were forced to attend. Children, from as young as 4 years old, were taken from their homes and sent away to schools run by Christian Churches, to “kill the Indian in the child” said Duncan Campbell Scott, Head of Indian Affairs, in the early 1920s. According to the late 1800s Canadian Government, the use of Residential Schools was to “educate and convert Aboriginal children and youth and to integrate them into Canadian society” but instead, produced a colossal amount of disrupted lives and communities, causing long-term problems among Aboriginal Peoples. Copious amounts of these problems were caused when children were abused sexually, emotionally and physically by Priests and Nuns, for merely speaking their native language, crying, expressing their feelings or even voicing a hint of their culture. Many of them were deprived of food, exposed to unsanitary and overcrowded conditions, and at least 6,000 children died due to violence, suicide, malnourishment, disease and exposure to extreme weather.…
In the film “Education As We See It”, we were taken on a twenty minute ride that glimpsed over the experiences of aboriginal students. Real life people talked about fond memories or “scars” so-to-speak regarding aboriginal residential schools. Punishment was more than often quite severe and also more than often involved physical pain. [Bob, Geraldine and Gary Marcuse. (1993)] In these aboriginal residential schools, the most common punishment was something called the strap. However, what made the punishments worse was that they were physically abused and punished out in the open in front of everyone to see, including the children. So in that way, the aboriginal students suffered public humiliation on top of the physical pains. Often punishments were totally uncalled for, such as strapping a child for wetting the bed. Many consequences were terribly negative. The fact that children were being beat was mentioned in the documentary for simple little wrongdoings and they were treated as though they were animals. [Bob, Geraldine and Gary Marcuse. (1993)]…
Numerous Indigenous children were wrongly informed that their guardians had passed away or deserted them, and numerous never knew where they had been taken from or who their natural families were. Also, the Indigenous children got a low level of training, as they were relied upon to fill in as unskilled workers and household hirelings. Furthermore, huge numbers of the Stolen Generations were mentally, physically, and sexually manhandled while living in state care or with their receptive families and endeavours to make these Indigenous children dismiss their way of life frequently made them feel embarrassed about their Indigenous legacy. Lastly, medical specialists have noticed a high rate of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and suicide among the Stolen Generations (Read, 2015). Likewise, the families of the stolen generation children suffered a lot of trauma and also made an impact of what had happened. The evacuation of a few generations of Indigenous children extremely disturbed Indigenous culture, and thus much social information was lost. Also, a large number of the Stolen Generations never experienced living in a sound family circumstance, and never learned child rearing aptitudes. Likewise, the loss of having their youngsters taken away was annihilating to numerous guardians, who never recouped from their sorrow and a few…
Residential schools were created in 1990 by the government to assimilate aboriginal children into Canadian culture. However, these residential schools has hurt the aboriginal children in many negative ways. Unfortunately children were ripped away from their family and forced into unfamiliar situation which was very hard. The negative affects of residential schools are trauma, mental health, and self-medication.…
The impacts that the Stolen Generation had on Indigenous people was that the Assimilation policy failed to improve the lives of Indigenous children by adapting them in white society. White society still refused to accept Indigenous children as equals even after stripping the children of their Indigenous heritage. Even children that were considered ‘half-caste’ were rejected, even though their skin colour was lighter and made easier for them to blend in. Many children that were placed in state care or with their adoptive families were physically, emotionally, psychologically or sexually abused (Dudgeon, 1997). Children were told their biological parents died or abandoned them leaving the child homeless and feeling unwanted.…