Areef A
Department of Mechanical Engineering Chendhuran college of Engineering and technology Pudhukkottai, Tamilnadu
Abstract— This project is aimed to understand the influence of residual stresses on the fatigue failure of butt welded stainless steel pipe joints. In order to carry out this study it requires an experimental fatigue failure data and a computer aided analysis of these results. A finite element scheme will be developed to simulate the residual stress in weld using the experimental data. A Thermo-elasto-plastic analysis will be used to replicate the butt welded pipe joint and the residual stress will be determined.
Residual stress that arises in welded joints by heating and cooling cycles during the welding process is another major factor in fatigue failure of welded structures. Welding residual stresses might lead to a drastic reduction in the fatigue strength of welded elements. In multi cycle fatigue (N > 106 cycles), the effect of residual stresses can be comparable to the effect of stress concentration. The effect of residual stresses on the fatigue life of welded elements are significant as regards relieving harmful tensile residual stresses and introducing beneficial compressive residual stresses in the weld toe zones. The fatigue failure can be classified in to two categories based on the number of cycles taken to fail. A. High cycle fatigue High-cycle fatigue is when the number of cycles to failure is large, typically when the number of cycles to failure, Nf is greater than 103. B. Low cycle fatigue Low- cycle fatigue is when the number of cycles to failure is small, typically when the number of cycles to failure, Nf is less than 103. III. RESIDUAL STRESS ON WELD Residual stresses can be defined as the stresses that remain within a material or body after manufacture and material processing in the absence of external forces or