To many people, resiliency is the human capacity to face, overcome and be strengthened by the adversities of life. Such resiliency allows an individual to resume a previous state of normal functioning. In Lawrence Hill’s Book of Negroes Aminata’s resiliency is evident throughout her journey from being free, to being a slave, to being an abolitionist. Aminata’s resiliency unravels throughout the story as she deals with and overcomes the devastating effects of slavery on her and her family. Through her resiliency, she is able to overcome her struggles and to survive as a free woman. In Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns Laila’s resiliency is evident through her enduring and over coming of domestic violence. Laila’s resiliency unravels throughout the story as she deals with and overcomes the hardships endured in her life in a violent war torn country. Throughout the novels both Aminata and Laila showed their ability to overcome the hardships of both slavery …show more content…
and violence in a war torn country, through their shared resiliency.
Aminata’s resiliency is first evident in the beginning of the novel.
Aminata’s resiliency is evident in that she “seems to have trouble dying” (1) which compliments her resiliency as she advances throughout her journey of slavery and as an abolitionist. Aminata also stayed resilient even though she “never had the privilege of holding her children” (2). While many would lose their resiliency in tough times, Aminata remained resilient even though she was not with her children. She always remained steadfast that she would overcome through her resiliency even after hearing “You don’t own that baby any more than you own the wool on your head. They both belong to me” (179). She kept steadfast even though she missed her children “the way I’d miss limbs from my body” and the thought of one day being reunited with them. Similar to Aminata’s hardships, Laila also endured the hardships of domestic violence in a war torn
Laila resiliency becomes evident in the novel when “she remembered all too well how the time had dragged” (137) and of the violence she endured during that time. While many would lose their resiliency, Laila remained resilient even though she was not with her children. Not only has Aminata stayed resilient during here enslavement, so has Laila. Laila maintained her sisilency throughout as “she remembered all too well how the time had dragged” (137)
Laila’s resiliency is evident while they were both a slave and in a violent war torn country.
“Not having to think about food, or shelter, or clothing is a rare thing indeed. What does a person do, when survival is not an issue?” (6)
“Many times during that long journey, I was terrified beyond description, yet somehow my mind remained intact. Men and women the age of my parents lost their minds on that journey” (56)
“You don’t own that baby any more than you own the wool on your head. They both belong to me” (179).
“And my baby disappeared into the darkness as fast as a falling star” (183). “We shall be free of the British and their taxes. Never again shall we be slaves” (252).