I am particularly grateful for the assistance given by Jos boy and maria who been very a helpful and constructive suggestions support in this research study. I would like to appreciate for they willingness to give time so generously and be very patient guidance and encouragement.
I would like to thank all of my tutors and Northumbria University library for their help in offering the resources during my studied.
Finally, I wish to thank my parent for their grateful support and gave me the opportunity to studies this major and special thank to my dear friends Tom Heard and Vanessa Chainikom and all of my class mate M and Pink for their helpful and motived me to finish my research.
Kanjana Visascholaharn
Fashion is growing as well as trend that extended from generation to generation. There are lots of brands that highly professions in fashion field which one might overlaps others. Even the fashion is quite wisely spread beyond human creation and imagination but being success in fashion brand still be concerned. Great fashion brand can be only survive when they have placed a significant mindful in compelling consumer’s interests. What has today fashion brand try to emphasis is to form a lasting memorable and pull up the interest and the attraction among customer who believed brand. It is difficult to draw a good picture of that particular brand on consumer’s mind and influence them to stick on it thus to bring them into the purchase stage.
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Rationale
1.2 The role of Visual Merchandising
1.3 Factors to be researched
• Branding (connections between brand and store image)
• Retail Environment: atmosphere
• Window and In-Store displays
• Product location, grouping and promotions
• Customer service
• New technologies
1.4 Aims of the Research
References: “The Visual merchandising main goal is to please and satisfaction the consumer shopping experience and to reflects brand identity” (Wolfe. 2009). “Visual merchandising is the implement that can improve consumer shopping experiences with the brand and when consumer shop more, this vastly improve retailer performance by increasing sale” (Mckeever, 2007).