It takes a lot of courage to let go of what is known, familiar, and comfortable. Change is a driving force in everyone. Like a butterfly, individuals in the nursing field may go through similar stages of metamorphosis, which is a process of growth, change, and development, (Wikipedia Foundation, 2006. Nurses have a vast amount of opportunity for growth and change in the healthcare field. “ The nursing profession has often been viewed as target of change rather than a force that proposes, leads, and implements change”(Habel,2005). Many individuals are choosing to evolve and expand their careers and obtain their bachelor’s degree in nursing. While the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) performs much of the same skills, the student professional nurse must refine his or her skills in clinical judgment, collaboration, leadership, and delegation to effectively care for their patients as a professional nurse.…
With more than 3 million members, the nursing profession is the largest segment of the nation’s health care workforce. Working on the front lines of patient care, nurses can play a vital role in helping realize the objectives set forth in the 2010 Affordable Care Act, legislation that represents the broadest health care overhaul since the 1965 creation of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. A number of barriers prevent nurses from being able to respond effectively to rapidly changing health care settings and an evolving health care system. These barriers need to be overcome to ensure that nurses are well- positioned to lead change and advance health.…
Buchanan, D. A et al (2007) ‘Nobody in charge: distributed change agency in healthcare,’ Human Relations . 60 (7) pp. 1065-1090.…
Elliott-Carter, N., & Harper, J. (2012). Keeping Mothers and Newborns Together After Cesarean. Nursing For Women’s Health, 16(4), 290-295. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-486X.2012.01747.x…
Nursing profession is the largest division of the healthcare employees. Nurses play an important role when it comes to patient care. There are many obstacles that prevent nurses from being able to respond effectively to constantly changing healthcare system and to make changes and advance health, these obstacles need to be overcome. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation along with Institute of Medicine (IOM) proposed to assess the need to transform the nursing profession in 2010. The report included making…
Although change is hard when confronted with a new way doing something we are accustomed to it is important to know how it will change the flow of the floor. It is also important to have a plan. In changing end of shift report styles, there has to consistency throughout all nursing staff. As in Lefton’s (2007) article on change, she states that nurses and nurse managers need to have a plan but also be flexible in implementing it. She also states that with a large change is it important “to be proactive, highly involved, and have an open door policy” (Lefton, 14) with any problems that may arise. On every floor, there may be resistance to any change and difficulties in adapting to it. Just like in life, nurses must be patient and know that it in the long run it may be better for the patient and continue to be a best practice for care. Patients who make frequent visits to the hospital may also notice the change with bedside reporting. Nurses may help put the patient at ease by showing cohesiveness between the off going and the on coming nursing staff. Patients are also able to take part in their own care by asking questions and knowing what their plan of care is during their time in the hospital. After all, being…
On October 5, 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), released the report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” This detailed report explores the need of the nursing profession to evolve and prepare for the impact that will occur as a result of the health care reform and the transformation that will be seen to our complex health care system. With the recent passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of Americans who were previously uninsured now find themselves with the opportunity to seek out and obtain the much needed medical attention that was previously denied to them. With the heightened number of individuals who are now able to receive primary care, there is concern as to whether or not there will be enough providers available to handle the massive increase in patient load. The reformed health care system now brings on new challenges and these challenges offer nurses the opportunity to practice with more freedom in order help close the gaps within our health care delivery system. The IOM committee formulated key messages that structure its recommendation for this transformation, focusing on three crucial areas including nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing leadership.…
Every day in life, we face conflict and change; whether it is large in its impact or small. Generally, change is often perceived as something that is negative, or at least does not come with great ease. Many of us are creatures of habit, and it can be difficult to change our ways, or our work ways; even if it is ultimately for the better. During the past several years, the 27 bed emergency department that I have been working in has gone through some major changes relating to the record increase patient numbers. Because of the shocking spike in the patient numbers, the department had to come up with a new plan on how to handle the patient flow through the small department. At first, it was a huge adjustment and several changes were taking place at once. Looking back now, the changes made were extremely beneficial; not only to the flow of patients, but this also increased our patient satisfaction scores in the process.…
With these problems identified, the root of the problems can now be further inspected and analysed. Jane has verbalized that she is stressed and wants to quit nursing. The question is Jane stressed because of nursing or is there other factors of stress that causing her to want to quit nursing? These two points differ vastly. One being that she cannot cope with the transition of academic to practical and thus feels that she cannot continue and the other would mean that Jane is facing other problems that is making her have difficulties in her PRCP which somehow leads her to want to quit nursing as a result. Baring it in mind that Jane had verbalized that she is feeling stress however, in spite of that, Jane still turns up for her clinical despite…
Since nursing is a dynamic profession, quality improvement to achieve the best patient care or outcome is very vital to continued care and wellness of our patients. Apart from improving direct patient care which is always the fundamental of nursing, technology and informatics has become the “intersection between nursing, cognitive, computer and information science” (Nunnery, 2012).…
The ACA calls for a transformation of healthcare to provide a safer, more affordable, more accessible and higher quality of medical care. In 2008 the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) called to partner with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and in a two-year study attempted to redesign the future of nursing. The purpose was to create a blueprint on how to recreate the nursing profession in order to accommodate, participate, and lead the current necessary healthcare reform. As a result of this study several conclusions were made. Nurses should be allowed to practice to the full extent of their education. Nurses should improve and increase their education. Nurses should be allowed to assume leadership positions and be full partners in healthcare redesign. Date collection and information infrastructure needs to be improved upon. (IOM, 2010)…
Leadership and management of conflict coexist. “One’s leadership style defines one’s response to conflicts” (Waite & McKinney, p.123, 2014). “A transformational leader is more accommodating, transactional leader is more compromising and laissez-faire leader is more avoiding when managing conflicts” (Almas, Anis-ul-Haq, Niaz & Saeed, p.214, 2015).…
Frustration. That’s the first word that pops into me head every time I go to clinical. Day after day, being pushed out the way. It made me feel unworthy and stupid. Everybody is getting paired up nurses, while I—I just get to stay on the floor and do mediocre work. Yay. Why aren’t I getting paired with a nurse? Highest achieving student in my nursing class and everyone under the sun, except for me, gets to be with a nurse. I feel incredible anger when I think of why. Under these circumstances, I have been forced to take it out on myself. I keep interrogating my brain, racking my mind for possible causes of this injustice. I must not kid myself, I guess I’m more “book smart” than practical coordinated, but I still deserve a chance.…
I agree the Nursing Practice (DNP) prepares nurses with the degree to meet the increased need by providing leadership in community health centers, serving on interdisciplinary teams, and advocating for and directing future policy initiates. As primary care providers, the role of the DNP can be enhanced through the use of a primary care models that addresses the associated challenges related to increasing preventative care in the healthcare system. Although DNP are leaders, barriers need to be removed so that DNPs can provide the care they have been prepared to offer ( Lathrop & Hodnicki, 2014). Healthcare continues to change and is a life-long learning process that requires nurses to keep up with that change.…
Mierlo H., Rutte C., Kompier M. & Doorewaard, H. (2005) Self managing teamwork and psychological well-being. Organizational Research Methods 12 (2), 368–392. DOI: DOI: 10.1177/1059601103257989…