the body for the unexpected.
What happens when you resistance/weight train?
When you you are weight training, your muscles are contracting or flexing, and then detracting while an external weight or force putting pressure or strain on the muscles as shown in the picture to the left. When the arm is lifting the dumbbell, the arm’s bicep on the humerus is contracting and becoming shorter, but wider. Then the bicep is detracting, to the regular anatomical position causing the bicep to then become longer and thinner, or unflexed. While exercising, the motion is breaking down skeletal muscle and then the body will start producing lactic acid in order to start rebuilding that muscle(s), making it bigger and stronger, and tougher to break down. The reason the muscles become sore after you exercise or work out is because of microscopic tears in and around the muscle, which can cause delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). What's really cool about this is that “the body builds tolerance and adapts pretty rapidly, DOMS should become less frequent as you continue exercising at the same intensity. Plus, just one soreness-inducing session reduces the chance of the same workout making you sore again for weeks or even months.” (The Greatest Team, “Why are your muscles sore after you work out?”, July 22, 2015). DOMS symptoms usually occur within 6-24 hours and usually peak at around 48 hours after doing the activity or exercise, but this can depend on and individual. This soreness, though making going through your day a little more painful and cause you to not feel good, can be beneficial. This may mean that your body is just rebuilding the muscle you were exercising but also means you should rest that muscle for a little bit until the soreness has gone down a bit this healing process can be helped with ice applied to the area as well as heat afterwards. In extreme soreness though the pain could be your body telling you that not only should you take a break, but you should also seek medical help if it continues.
What are some examples or methods to resistance training?
Some examples of resistance training tools are free weights, weight machines, weighted balls, resistance bands, and your own body weight.
When you are free weight training, you are weightlifting in a more classic setting such as with barbells and dumbbells. When you are using weight machines you are using devices that may have adjustable seats with handles attached either to weights or hydraulics that allow you to adjust the amount of resistance or weight. When you are you using weighted balls or medicine balls you are increasing your body weight by holding onto the ball as you move through a series of exercises like squats or sit ups. Medicine balls can be a variety of sizes and weights, some bounce some don’t, increasing the versatility of their use. Resistance bands are like giant rubber bands. Resistance bands produce a tension through your range of motion as you flex and unflex your muscles causing your muscles to work. Body weight training is a different type of training that uses no external force except your own body weight, some exercises include pull ups, pushups, situps, and squats.
What are some pros and cons to resistance/weight training?
There are a bunch of positives or pros in resistance training, so I’ll just list the ones I believe to be the most beneficial.There are also quite a few disadvantages or cons to this training, so I have listed those as well.
Improved stamina
Increased self-esteem, self worth as an individual is able to work with greater weights/resistance.
Improved prevention to chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, back pain, depression and
Builds muscle strength and tone
Relieves stress
Burns calories
Builds muscle which helps to protect against injury or strain (if done correctly)
Increased risk of injury (if done improperly)
Can be expensive (gym membership, buying home gym)
Time consuming, resistance training only works if it is done consistently over a long period of time.
Can aggravate an existing condition/problem (For example if an injury is not fully healed before working it out again.)