I. Objectives:
At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
1. Identify the color coding of resistors;
2. Compute for resistance of a color-coded resistor;
3. Compute for minimum and maximum tolerance of a resistor.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Resistor Color Coding
Reference: Technology and Home Economics II Luz Villanueva et. al pp. 200-203
Materials: Visual Aids Resistors
Values Integration: Orderliness and Patience
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activity
Checking of Attendance
What do you see after a rain? A rainbow! What are the colors of a rainbow? Who can enumerate them? (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet). Ok. Very good. In the saying, what will you find at the end of a rainbow? A pot of gold! Do you know that some of these colors can also be found in resistors? But in a resistor, these colors represent a value.
B. Lesson Proper
To know the values of these colors, we will study the Resistor Color Coding. But before that let’s determine first the meaning of a resistor. Does anyone know what a resistor is?
From the root word “resist”.
Resistor is an electronic component used to resist or oppose the flow of current in a circuit.
Has values called Resistance which is measured in ohms (Ω)
This is a resistor (show a resistor).
What did you notice in the resistor’s body?
Color strips/ bands Color bands are a specific code that tells electricians how much resistance the resistor provides. These bands are introduced because it is easier to mark small components than to print values on them. Most resistors have four color bands.
The resistance value is indicated by the first 3 bands while the tolerance is indicated by the 4th band. Band A –is the first significant figure Band B – is the second significant figure Band C- is the multiplier Band D –indicates tolerance of value in percent Again these