1) Dr. Johnye Ballenger is a private pediatrician based in Cambridge who dedicates one day every week to treat patients at the South End Health Center, which is a community health centre dominated by people of colour and those who are less privileged in society.
Dr. Ballenger’s clients at the South End Health Center are predominately Latino. Despite communication barriers, she makes an earnest effort to communicate with her patients in their native language. It is apparent through her actions and words that respect is not something that is developed mainly via the exertion of effort, but it is a natural way of life adopted through conscious choices.
Through her constant interaction with children, Dr. Ballenger teaches her patients social skills by modelling the behavior she expects from them. For example, whenever she communicates with an individual, she establishes direct eye contact; and when she shifts her attention from one person to another, her gaze shifts as well. If a child is looking away whilst she is speaking to them, she politely insists that they look at her and respond (p.61).
2) Power differentials exist in almost all relationships. In the case of Dr. Ballenger who is viewed as an authority figure due to her role as a medical practitioner, her actions directly affect her patients and their well-being. Being a medical practitioner often requires that she gains access to her clients’ physical space which is only possible