National Service Training Program is designed to develop youth’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. I am under CWTS or Civic Welfare Training Service, this is a component of NSTP that is responsible for the general welfare and betterment of life of the members of the community.
The life of being a CWTS student has never been easy, yet I have realized that I am blessed that I enjoyed my responsibilities in taking part of this training. NSTP helped me to appreciate things I have.
I remembered the times when we visited our community; I do not know what should I act because I felt angry. Life is truly unfair for them. But I am glad because they were able to live life happily. This kind of situation pushes me to continue my duties, and that is to help them in our own simple ways.
First, I learned that you should always be thankful for what you have. Always follow the rules of our parents because it is for our own good. We are so lucky that we have them, who is always there and ready to support us in our career in life.
Second, I learned how to interact to other people. Even though we have language barriers, we still communicate well. I learned how to adjust in a new environment and that is really a big help for me.
Third, I learned to respect other people so that we can get respect also in return. We should always put in our mind the saying “Respect others if you want to be respected”. We have different ways of living yet we are still the same in many things that’s why we should give them respect, for us to gain their trust. And by that, we can get satisfying answers from our questions.
Fourth, this program taught me that we should always think positive. Everything happens for a reason, when you feel down just pray and search the positive things in life. Don’t take it seriously, because you are still blessed in many ways. Lastly, I learned how to share. Even small things, I know, it is a big help for them.