
Respect And Disrespect Research Paper

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I am writing an RBI on Respect and Disrespect. Respect is one of the seven army values. It is the third army value. AS an NCO I should live up to all army values at a standard higher then soldiers. The first army value is Loyalty means to bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers. To be loyal to the nation and its heritage. I seen boxes on the side of the road, I did not think and took them. I was not loyal to me fellow soldiers that where in need of the boxes. By wearing the uniform you are expressing your loyalty an by doing your share, you show your loyalty to your unit. I did not do by share by helping the storm victims. The second army value is Duty it means to fulfill your obligations. Accept …show more content…

I know I was wrong and may have cause a family to not have the means to move their belonging because I was only thinking of myself. The third army value is Respect means to rely upon the golden rule. Do unto other as you would have them do unto you. It also means how we consider others reflects upon each of us, both personally and as a professional organization. When I took the boxes I did not treat the soldiers that lost belongings as I would have like to be treated. If what happen to them happen to me I would have thought the world was coming to an end. The decision I made shown that I had respect for them, myself or the military. My actions were disrespectfully to my unit and the military. The actions that I took that day will not happen again. I will think of others before I think of myself. Webster defines respect as an act of giving particular attention and consideration. I did not consider the wellbeing of the people that was affected by the storm or how others would view my actions. I know that I failed my soldiers and all the people that were affected by the storm. The fourth army value is selfless service it means to put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your

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