Name: Shahira. M
Subject: World. Religion
Teacher: Sis. Husna
Grade: 11 All religions and all societies have given parents an honorable status. From a purely material viewpoint, we find ourselves indebted to our parents. They are the ones who teach us from how to stand on our tiny toes, to the ones who wipe our tears at night. No religion can bring the status down for our parents; especially for our mothers. Islam particularly has given parents the highest of status. Islam respects our mothers so much, that it has brought down Jannah from the sky, all the way down to mothers feet. Jannah now lies under the feet of mothers. Islam has respect for parents that no other religion has. Now the main question is, where is that respect in the ummah now? I personally believe that the most critical issue in Islam is the respect for parents. The teens of this ummah have forgotten the true meaning of respect. What is Islam if the parents are not treated well? The Prophet (SAW) has been reported to have said that there are four Major sins: to associate partners with Allah (SWT), disobedience of the parents, to kill an innocent person and to take a false oath. Disobedience of the parents is a major one. A question to ask is what is respect? In Islam, how must someone respect their parents? Respect can come in the form of how you address them and how you comply with them. Listening to them from one ear and letting it out the other, is not respect. Respect. What a small word with such a high value. What is a son or daughter without it? Respect is when you don’t glare at them in the eye, or talk back to them. When they say something, you agree, even though you know it is not right. Respect is to love them, to take care of them, to give yourself up to them. What parents have done for children, no child can make it up to them. How do I explain how you’re supposed to treat your parents? What example do I give to convince the youth of today.
Cited: Ajmal, B. (2007, January 4). Respect of parents in Islam. Retrieved June 3, 2013, from Jameel, B. (2006, April 26). Status of parents. Retrieved June 3, 2013, from Islamic City: Love for parents. (n.d.). Retrieved June 3, 2013, from YouTube: