The article by Lakoff and Johnson is intriguing and delectable in terms of “food for thought.” The reality check of how daily lives and culture are affected by adopting metaphors into daily and common speech without even noticing how significantly metaphors play in peoples lives is preeminent. Metaphors such as (“Food for Thought, Killing Two Birds With One Stone, and Bouncing Off the Walls”) are a few examples of metaphors that are used in common speech and are used in junction with daily life without notice.
Regardless of what background or culture a person may come from, most metaphors discussed in the article are relevant to an individual or group(s) lifestyle. From the “Time is Money”(Lakoff & Johnson 1980) metaphor to conduit metaphors it seems that regardless it be at home, in the office, or even at a religious event, common language with metaphors in daily lives are metaphorically synced. In the home of many, office, or both, metaphors that are commonly used are “Running Around Like A Chicken With My Head Cut Off and Doing Ten Million Things At Once.” In a religious setting a common metaphor that may be used is, “Faith Will Find You.” When looked at this aspect of the usage of metaphors, then it would be agreed that metaphors tie into daily life and common speech regardless of background or culture. The article “Metaphors We Live By”(Lakoff & Johnson 1980) is the embodiment of America’s and other country’s heritage, culture, and indeed this civilization’s communication method as a nation when looked at the