The Background
Chickens are probably the most numerous birds in the world, largely because of their importance; chickens are raised as a hobby by fancies that breed them for their beauty and for other special characteristics.( Retrieved November 2010 from, Encyclopedia Americana 1998,)
In many countries , highly efficient industry engaged in production , processing and marketing of chicken meat and eggs has evolved , making the raising of chickens one of the most specialized and efficient industries producing food. Egg production is also highly specialized, although not all the necessary operations are integrated as for broiler production (Encyclopedia Americana 1998). Most of the developing countries have been battling against the problem of how to adequately feed their livestock and poultry because of inadequate production of conventional ingredients for livestock feeding. Many of these countries are also well blessed with considerable good fertile, arable land, good sunshine and abundant and well distributed rainfall. The inadequate quantities of concentrated feedstuffs they produce yearly are competed for by humans and their livestock. Usually humans have to have their needs satisfied first leaving the remainder for livestock.(, November 2010). The researchers want to find out which materials have potential as chicken feed supplement. This is to lessen the budget for commercial feeds. The study will be conducted to determine the effects of ripe banana fruit and sweet potato peelings as chicken feed supplement on the growth of the chick.
More than 50 billion chickens are reared annually as a source of food for both their meat and their eggs. Chickens farmed for meat are called broilers, whilst these farmed for eggs are called egg-laying hens. In total, UK alone consumes over 29 million eggs per day. Some hens can produce over 300 eggs a year. The majority of poultry are raised using intensive
References: Ayuk E A “Effects of sweet potato meal on the growth rate of broilers”(January 26, 2004).Dept of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Forestry. Retrieved October 2010, from 9/ayuk16073.htm Babatunde G.M “Banana Fruit Nutrition Fact”. (Copyright 2010) Retrieved November 2010, from http:// ana-fruit.html “Chicken Poultry Raising” Ochoa, Shayne. “Biological Name of the Banana Fruit”.(Copyright 1997-2010). Retrieved January 2011, from Oracle Education Foundation.“How to Raise A Chicken”{ June, 2010} January 18, 2011 DaniloYgnacio