“That may be, but Hades still desires equal rites for both.”(593) I say Antigone contracts Creon the most because she brings out his anger, pride, and disgust. I say this because other than the Chorus she interacted with the most and brought most of his poor traits out. Antigone brings out his pride because when she buried her brother’s body, Creon told the Chorus leader after she did her speech that, “But you should know the most obdurate wills are those most prone to break. The strongest iron tempered in the fire to make it really hard that’s the kind you see most often shatter. I’m well aware the most tempestuous horses are tamed by one small bit. Pride has no place in anyone who is his neighbour’s slave. This girl …show more content…
Most of them have perished—Persephone has welcomed them among the dead. I’m the last one, dying here the most evil death by far, as I move down before the time allotted for my life is done. But I go nourishing the vital hope my father will be pleased to see me come, and you, too, my mother, will welcome me, as well as you, my own dear brother.”(998-1008) During the video of the play it shows during this part of her speech that he was not happy and looks very disgusted with her. “However, for wise people I was right to honour you. I’d never have done it for children of my own, not as their mother, nor for a dead husband lying in decay— no, not in defiance of the citizens. What law do I appeal to, claiming this? If my husband died, there’d be another one, and if I were to lose a child of mine I’d have another with some other man. But since my father and my mother, too, are hidden away in Hades’ house, I’ll never have another living brother. That was the law I used to honour you.”(1013-1025) It shows after she finishes this part of her speech that he is agitated with her and doesn’t even want to look at her. It is also shown when Creon says, “Don’t you know that no one faced with death would ever stop the singing and the groans, if that would help? Take her and shut her up, as I have ordered, in her tomb’s embrace. And get it done as quickly as you can. Then leave her there alone, all by herself— she can sort out whether she wants suicide or remains alive, buried in a place like that. As far as she’s concerned, we bear no guilt. But she’s lost her place living here with us.”(988-997) It shows here that he doesn’t even care about her and the first sentence shows his