December 9, 2014
BIOL 2406
Response to Documentary: “Addicted to Plastic” This documentary enlightened me on how plastic influences our lives. For instance, in the beginning of the film the filmmakers mention that they wouldn’t have been able to create to movie if it wasn’t for plastic. Almost everything we use has plastic or plastic residue in it.
I believe that it’s going to take a very long time until we can be completely weaned off plastics. I also believe that we will never be able to get rid of plastics in the oceans. The moment the film showed the buildup in our oceans, I was shocked. If all that grime was at the surface, I can’t imagine how much plastic has accumulated at the bottom. However it was nice to see that people do try and help clean up the
Another thing that caught my eye was all of the little alternatives people have come up with to stray away from plastics. I enjoyed watching them show off and explain what they have created. These contributors are helping us reach a new perspective on our disposable lifestyle. The plastic that is edible and water soluble was very clever. It creates a sense of hope that one day we can eliminate nonbiodegradables found in the oceans, although we are far from being plastic free. All the other little inventions had their own beneficial factors too. If we were to convert to these new ideas, I believe that we could stop being dependent on plastic.
At the end of the documentary they show how people would begin to ‘live’ if they switched to nonplastics. It was then I realized, he still had plastics in his house, which would mean that we really can get away from it. To an extent plastics help our lives, we just need to learn not to abuse it.