There were multiple different systems involved in the response to Hurricane Katrina. The local, state, and federal governments certainly had a large impact on the amount of people left stranded and the …show more content…
Although there are many social classes, upper, middle, and lower-class tend to be the most commonly used in society to describe an individual’s ranking in terms of money (Johnson & Rhodes, 2015, p.225). This certainly had an effect on how people were taken of during Hurricane Katrina. First, residents with serious physical disabilities or health conditions, such as the elderly, were often the last to be helped or rescued when the disaster hit. For example, if they were not able to receive their necessary medications or ran out of their supply, they would be at significant risk for not surviving the storm. In addition, those who lacked sufficient monetary resources or transportation had extreme difficulties in evacuating New Orleans and its surrounding areas. Many were forced to remain in their homes, which were often not equipped with the necessary environmental protections, and had to deal with extraordinary flooding in their place of residence while they lived and slept