The primary subject of the text "Metaphors We Live By," by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson is that metaphors have been adapted into our daily lives and they have become a part of society. They have the ability to help us understand and comprehend what is being described to us. The bottom line is that "Our ordinary conceptual system is metaphorical in nature." (1) We have found ways to describe how we identify, think, and react. Even though some metaphors are easier to point out then others, they are used multiple times throughout our day. What I found interesting while reading the text is that the authors give us examples of metaphors used in our daily language. In the metaphor "ARGUMENT
The primary subject of the text "Metaphors We Live By," by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson is that metaphors have been adapted into our daily lives and they have become a part of society. They have the ability to help us understand and comprehend what is being described to us. The bottom line is that "Our ordinary conceptual system is metaphorical in nature." (1) We have found ways to describe how we identify, think, and react. Even though some metaphors are easier to point out then others, they are used multiple times throughout our day. What I found interesting while reading the text is that the authors give us examples of metaphors used in our daily language. In the metaphor "ARGUMENT