In paragraph two, when the author refers to the Declaration of Independence, I believe that he indeed does help to support his thesis from paragraph one. When the Declaration of Independence states: “. . .that they are endowed with certain …show more content…
unalienable Rights, that among these are life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”, it seems to help solidify the idea that the author has for the American Dream. If people have certain rights, like the ability to pursue happiness, then the author would certainly agree with that.
In paragraph three, when he talks about immigrants and the World War II veteran, he questions if the American Dream was what these people had been pursuing all along. He begins to wonder if people gave up everything of their old lives, just to pursue the American Dream. I personally believe that the American Dream is attainable by everyone. I believe that no matter where you come from or who you were born to be, you can, and you should, reach past your potential regardless of any situation you are in or ever will be.
The three definitions that the Author gives are: the pursuit of materialistic things, the inability to achieve the American Dream because it is merely an idea, a hope; and finally the idea that the American Dream is based on the ability to be perfectly content with who you are and what you have.
I believe that there are so many definitions because the American Dream, to me, has no certain definition. I believe that it is an idea that inspires us in ways that are unique for each individual depending on what drives them to succeed.
When the author quotes Thomas Wolfe's definition of the American Dream, Thomas Wolfe says: “. . .the right to live, to work, to be himself, and to become whatever thing his manhood and his vision combine to make him.” I wholeheartedly agree with Wolfe's definition, because what it all comes down to is choice. We all should have the right to choose to do whatever we want to. Even if the decision doesn't seem all that great to others, our choices define who we are and all that we hope to be. We write our own stories and our choices make sure of