English 1301
Hcc Missouri City Campus
Mrs. Jenkins
The Gettysburg Address
In Abraham Lincoln’s speech entitled “The Gettysburg Address” there are a lot of different modes of persuasions going on. After reading it a few times I came to the conclusion that Lincoln did not just address this letter to the present, he addressed it to the future also. Even in between the time the letter was addressed to this very day the letter still holds an important message in American history and literature. Even though the “The Gettysburg Address” has brought me to the pathos mode of persuasion because some of the things that Abraham talks about in the address, we strive as a nation to continue to better and build off of as a country.
I’m going to talk about some of the ways of the past for a minute so bear with me. In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln states that “all men are created equal.” There was a point in time during the civil rights movement when all men had their freedom but were segregated by race. But now in this age of time there’s no problem in America going into a restaurant or a school or a store, because America as a nation settled their racist ways so that the statement Lincoln wrote in the “Gettysburg Address” will stand correct and better America as a nation. In the letter Lincoln also talks about “unfinished work”. Even though we are a well diverse nation now, I personally still feel like America still needs work in areas such as being EQUAL and not equal. At first Lincoln addressed this letter to what he saw as unequal around him which was slaves, people that were in poverty and women. Now in my era I feel like the unfinished work goes back to his quote “all men are created equal.” Yeah there’s no more slavery and women have the right to vote and all you have to do is get a green card and a background check to become a U.S citizen. But what good does that do if people are dying behind a hoodie, skittles and an