Another important thing about the stars of David that the Jews were forced to wear is the humiliation. At first the Nazis only made the Jews where these stars to identify the Jews. But then the Nazis saw the people of the towns starting to go against the Jews, and with the Nazis. This encouraged the Nazis even more, making the rules against the Jews stricter.
p- 34-35: These 2 pages discuss the change in Elie. Elie has only been in a camp for only one night and he changed already. He says, the child that I was, had been consumed by flames. There remained only a shape that looked like me. This is a very important part of the book. It is the first large change in Elie. Its the change of boy of the bible to an empty body whose only purpose was to try to survive. This change occurred from his first night at the camp. As soon as he stepped off the train and was separated for his mother and sister; he didnt know for how long, or what was going to happen to them. The other traumatic event that could have caused his change was him seeing people being forced into the furnace. These to things at first probably just sent him into shock; these are things that dont happen in a normal life. The change probably occurred when he started to understand what was going on, even though he still didnt have a good idea of what was going on. Elie and