a. Quote and page number for a passage of 50-75 words that illustrates the work’s point of view.
“This is me when I was 10 years old. This was in 1980. And this is a class photo. I’m sitting on the far left so you don’t see me. From left to right: Golnaz, Mahshid, Narine, Minna. In 1979 a revolution took place. It was later called “the Islamic revolution.” Then came 1980: The year it became obligatory to wear the veil at school.
We didn’t really like to wear the veil..” Page 3, “The Veil”
b. Explain how the point of view relates to the telling of the story. What is the narrator’s perspective, and how …show more content…
What kind of conflict is it – internal (Man vs. Self) or external (Man vs. Man, Man vs. Fate, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Nature)?
I think it is a Man vs. Society conflict.
What are the reasons behind this conflict and where is this conflict heading (is there a resolution)?
The reasons behind this conflict is a result of the overthrowing of the Shah in Iran during the 1980’s because the new king stated that veils were mandatory and that they had started to beat people who did not follow their cultural rules.
What is the significance of the conflict toward moving the story forward and extending the tension or complicating the plot?
Satrapi’s interpretation of the king was originally positive, as she was talking with god every night, and the king claims he was put in place by god. Satrapi does not know that he was elected king any other way-by force or by help from a foreign company. The schoolbook that Satrapi had been reading was lying to her.
What is the author’s purpose in showing this conflict?
Satrapi was completely oblivious to what was going on. She had no idea what was truly happening. She even heard on state television that 99.99% of all people voted in support of the Islamic government(which was entirely untrue, and was a lie by state media). This was a “waking moment” for