I personally feel like I am responsible for my college success. Being in school, I must make it a personal responsibility to get my work done on time; ask the necessary questions needed to complete assignments, when I have free time get as much school work done instead of sitting down watching television. If I keep that mind set, than I will be a very successful college student. I already know what not to do as a college student, so keeping in mind the proper things to do will be helpful. Number one thing for me to do as a college student is to make it my responsibility to create time for me to go over the course syllabus, read the chapter for that week, get the assignments done, and have the instructor check the assignments to ensure that I did everything correctly. That way, if there are any mistakes or if I posted the wrong assignment; I can always have the chance to go back in correct the mistakes or make sure I do the correct assignment that is due. Being a college student, especially when taking courses online, it can be easy to get unmotivated. Once it has been locked in the mind that my college success is a personal responsibility… than it becomes a requirement of me to make it one of my top priorities and fit it in my daily schedules of
I personally feel like I am responsible for my college success. Being in school, I must make it a personal responsibility to get my work done on time; ask the necessary questions needed to complete assignments, when I have free time get as much school work done instead of sitting down watching television. If I keep that mind set, than I will be a very successful college student. I already know what not to do as a college student, so keeping in mind the proper things to do will be helpful. Number one thing for me to do as a college student is to make it my responsibility to create time for me to go over the course syllabus, read the chapter for that week, get the assignments done, and have the instructor check the assignments to ensure that I did everything correctly. That way, if there are any mistakes or if I posted the wrong assignment; I can always have the chance to go back in correct the mistakes or make sure I do the correct assignment that is due. Being a college student, especially when taking courses online, it can be easy to get unmotivated. Once it has been locked in the mind that my college success is a personal responsibility… than it becomes a requirement of me to make it one of my top priorities and fit it in my daily schedules of