RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF PARENTS * PD. NO.603 article 43.company of their children, persons or institutions dealing with the child’s development, primary and obligation to provide for their upbringing. * ARTICLE 45.right to discipline a child * GENERAL DUTIES. Parent’s duties to their child: 1. Give affection, companionship, understanding 2. Benefits of moral guidance,self-discipline, religious instruction 3. Supervise 4. Inculate in then the value 5. Stimulate 6. Advise them properly 7. Always set a good example 8. Provide with adequate support 9. Administer
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF CHILDREN 1. Upright and virtuous life with one’s religion,teaching of elders/mentors,bidding of clear conscience 2. Love,respect,obey to strengthen the family 3. Extend love to brothers/sisters 4. Exert utmost effort to develop potentials 5. Respect the customs and traditions 6. Participate actively in civic affairs 7. Help in observance of individual human rights
RIGHTS OF CHILDREN 1. Right to be born 2. Right to a wholesome family life 3. Right to basic needs (foods,clothing,shelter,health) 4. Right for education 5. Right to live in a community 6. Right for protection 7. Right to an efficient and honest government
II. MARRIAGE * Matrimony or wedlock * Basically the socially recognized union between man & woman * Union of two ind. Of the opposite sex that is governed by the principles taught in the bible
Dating period or when the man tries to please the woman ii. Engagement
Individual will have the ability and desire to participate actively in assessing regardless iii. Wedding
Both individual involved gradually