Target point:
1. Receive an apology from Casey for going straight to our boss before speaking with us
2. Maintain friendship with Casey
3. Keep tipping system the way it is to encourage organisation commitment behaviour
Resistance point:
1. Casey’s friendship is extremely important to us so maintaining this is our top priority
2. Every keeps their own tips
We decided to take an integrative approach to this negotiation being very forthright with why we have been underperforming at work. Understanding why Casey is upset with us, we wanted to be very apologetic when entering negotiations and continually bring the conversation back to how important their friendship is to us.
Casey’s representatives adopted very distributive …show more content…
Spend less than $1MM to get URL
To assess the difference between a formal and informal approach, I decided to adopt a more formal approach when dealing with Stian. My goal was to appeal to Stian’s altruistic side explaining why I need his URL. Similar to Alexander I was eagar to reach a benefical agreement for both parties opening the negotiation by asking how I could help his organisation.
Not learning from the previous negotiation against Stian, I was hoping his initial response would be far more accommodating than it was. He again adopted a very distributive approach initially offering to sell the URL for over $3million, far beyond anything I was expecting. He had no faith in my cause and was strictly looking for a single transaction and to never hear from me again. As a result of this, our negotiation ended up being a series of offers and pleas for him to lower his price and reduce what he expected to achieve from this negotiation.
Stian and I ended up agreeing to a single payment of $1million but this only occurred on Monday 11 June. The negotiation ended up becoming a pissing contest with neither of us willing to accept the others rationale.