Restorative Justice Processes
Restorative Justice is a theory that emphasizes repairing the harm that has been caused by criminal behavior 1. (John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism,2010). Restorative justice is important because, it holds offenders accountable in meaningful and constructive ways, can contribute to a more satisfying experience of justice for victims and communities. There are various methods of restorative justice in which they are practiced; examples include victim offender mediation, conferencing, healing circles, victim assistance, ex-offender assistance, restitution, and community service. Each method focuses on the needs of both the offender and the victim, and heals in different ways. Research shows that both victims and offenders have high levels of satisfaction with the process and the outcomes. Studies also suggest that offenders are more likely to follow through with restitution or community service, and that there is some reduction in repeat offending (2. Frank D. Hill, 2011).There are some many different ways to handle in restorative justice here are some of the steps that are taken to make it effectively. First is the understanding that the victim and the surrounding community have both been affected by the action of the offender and, in addition, restoration is necessary. Second, the offender's obligation is to make amends with both the victim and the involved community. Third, and the most important process of restorative justice, is the concept of 'healing.' This step has two parts: healing for the victim, as well as meeting the offender's personal needs. Both parties are equally important in this healing process to avoid recidivism and to restore a sense of safety for the victim. Restorative justice principles are characterized by four key values: first, the encounter of both parties. This step involves the offender, the victim, the community and any other party who was involved in the initial crime. Second, the amending process takes place. In this step, the
References: 1. John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism,2010
2. Frank D. Hill, 2011
3. Amy Vante Bintliff, author of Re-engaging Disconnected Youth: Transformative
6. Derby Telegraph, 2010
7. Zigurds L. Zile, Vosburg v. Putney: A Centennial Story, 1992 WILR 877 (1992)