All of us." 1 That night, the audience used their freedom and boo’d Mike Pence; the trump supporters’ reaction baffles me because now they say they cannot exercise this freedom and need to show respect. The next day, Donald Trump took to twitter saying: “Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!” 2 Trying to dissect this a bit, Trump says Pence was “harassed,” if you watch the video Dixon just delivered the lines. Donald Trump also tweeted, “The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!” 3 Trump, a conservative, has been so against ‘political correctness’ from the numerous media quotes throughout the year. Yet, reading this quote it is amusing that he is saying that a theater should be a safe (…) place. I know we are not going to talk about the election but, I believe this to be a bit hypocritical. He was so against political correctness, and it is interesting to see all is fair game when it directly applies to an …show more content…
In addition to my opinions, which I still think are valid someone said you cannot, “outlaw being a jerk.” While that may be true, I think now common decency should be universal. Some individuals in our class think that the term feminist is negative, since they know the extreme versions of the term. When you said, “racism…bad, ageism…bad, sexism…bad, feminism…good,” it made me think about the issue in a different way. I completely forgot that it was another –ism, since it has a positive connotation to me. I still feminism as necessary because presently women are still making less money than men even though we may have the same qualifications. For this issue, the idea of being equal does not mean that we must be the