In a New York Times article, “Rooms of Their Own” on January 21, 1990 by Anna Quindlen, she reports that after observing people on the streets that all they want it a safe place to live to call home where they can have some privacy. She describes that many are mentally ill that the government cannot support any longer. Some homeless are former inmates that just need a little help getting back into society. Anna argues that the government should have to help by housing them in small studio like room to help them get back on…
States that are placing bans on homelessness instead of accepting the grants that could be given to them by this act are completely ignoring a solution that would cost them far less than placing people in jail. The Mckinney-Vento Act was created to give federal funds to local, regional, and state homeless assistance programs and in the year of 2015 nearly $2.14 billion was available ("McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants." 1). Due to this act being in place, banning homelessness to try and solve the problem shouldn’t even have to be considered. The use of bans completely ignores a viable solution to the homeless problem. It’s clear that Congress felt homelessness is a big enough problem to make a federal act for it and city government that disregard this act in an attempt to “solve” the problem themselves are making a big mistake. Admittedly, it is a city’s choice to use or not use the government funding available to them. Though this previous statement is true, recent ruling has proven that banning homelessness is out of a city’s…
Most Americans are insulted from the poor; it is hard to imagine the challenges of poverty, the daily fears of victimization, the frustration of not being able to provide for a child. Poverty is something that not only effects adults, but children as well. When we think of poverty in America what is the image that comes to mind? An old dilapidated shack in southern Alabama? or a rat infested tenement house in New York City? According to the book Faces of Poverty, the author, Jill Berrick says that "Both images are correct, for poverty exists in the backwoods of Appalachia as well as in the heart of the inner city" (1). In homes across America poor parents are raising poor children. Even in our own back…
A major place that homeless people have taken over is Monroe Park. The park was once a thriving place filled with couples taking strolls on a nice day, the beautiful fountain flowing, and children running through the green grass. Now, I no longer see that. I see homeless people taking up residence there. There are no more benches to rest upon and the grass isn’t pretty as it used to be. What can they do when they feel as if the commonwealth doesn’t care about them? There is nothing, but to continue to take up residence in a public park. Monroe Park is near the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. There is an abundance of young women walking through the park to get their classes or even their dorms. It can be a daunting task to make it to the other end of the park with the men making sexual calls. That’s what makes women want to avoid the area. I personally have experienced sexual calls while walking through the park. A friend was almost raped by a homeless man who takes up residence there. It is not pleasant at all. When someone walks through a park, they want an enjoyable feeling and…
There are many counterarguments against helping the homeless. One is that some people just want to be able to get things for free which is true for some. To prevent this from happening there needs to be structure to prevent people from taking advantage of the system. Many of the people also don’t have the survival skills to provide for themselves and they still expect help without going out and getting a job. There is also a sense of entitlement among many people. However as long as government not recognize the underlying issues such as the imbalanced economy and system there will be tent cities.…
Some of the ways in which homelessness impacts society are the amount of money the tax payers ( a.k.a the community) spend to give these individuals support services and programs in order for the individuals to survive. In most communities they don't give don't give them jobs because of the living situation or even how they look or smell ,they don't let them, get the education that they might need to become not homeless because of how they look but that's all they have. The people in the community sit around take stuff for granted and homeless people sit there and disappear and maybe even die of starvation ,cold injury, cardio respiratory diseases ,tuberculosis, skin…
Another reason we shouldn’t force the homeless out of the neighborhood is because they are harmless. They are not hurting or harming any of us. They aren’t breaking into our homes or stealing from us. If they have stolen from any stores their intentions were only to survive. If we would help them by providing them with food or water anytime that we could then maybe they wouldn’t have stolen. We should all…
Becoming homeless is hard since one of the basic necessities in life is a home. So this problem can lead people on the street to other major problems, such as drug abuse, assault, and chronic diseases because of the craziness of Denver weather. I think the government needs to listen to what the homeless population needs and to pay attention to their problems. In this way, these people will not become a problem for the city once their basic needs are provided. Creating programs to help them find work and lead them to have a better life, like providing rehab and counseling, will decrease the homeless population in Denver. Providing low-income housing will also assist these people who may have lost their homes due to rent or mortgage spikes. By addressing the root causes of homelessness, the government can decrease the number of homeless people on the streets and the quality of life for all Denver residents will increase as a…
In the era of the 1980’s, New York City was going through a calamitous time, as the crack cocaine epidemic unleashed a wave of crime and addiction, and government mismanagement caused near bankruptcy of the city. Due to a decrease of manufacturing in the city, an economic downturn ensued, which in turn caused a shortage of affordable housing, and low levels of public assistance payments, such as welfare. The combination of these elements, caused a rise of family homelessness. The city responded to the crisis by placing the families, in hotels as temporary “housing”. Amongst these families, were Pietro’s. The downfall of his family can be rooted to three major affairs; him losing his job, being placed in The Martinique, and his son’s, Christopher,…
Have you ever stepped back and took a look at how many people, including children and/or young adults are homeless? Homelessness is when an individual lacks housing. It isn’t talked about enough. You don’t see it in the news a lot. But in reality, homelessness is a very big factor in the world. So many people become homeless due to several different reasons including: addiction, domestic violence, mental illness, and job loss. These factors put people at risk for having somewhere to sleep, bathe, and eat regularly. Homelessness is a very serious topic.…
Homelessness has been a growing problem throughout Canada. With an increasing number of homeless citizens in Canada, it shouldn’t be a cause for concerns when the middle and higher class population starts asking questions. Myself, a part of the middle class, see homeless individuals everywhere so it does affect me. In my opinion, homeless people should NOT be criminalized as this goes against the several aspects that makes Canada such a great place to reside. Classism is a very difficult problem to solve, as every nation faces this. It shouldn’t be up to us to differentiate homeless people amongst others. Pursuing survival is an aspect of human nature and no one should face consequences for this. As long as the homeless society is not affecting anyone else around them or are causing any problems, there should not be any concern.…
Some companies across America have installed small spikes onto the foot of their buildings to prevent homeless people from sleeping there. This is incredibly disrespectful to those who don’t have much to return to after a long day of hard work. Although shelters for the homeless have been developed, the number of homeless overpowers the amount of possible residents in each shelter, ultimately making it increasingly difficult for the homeless to live comfortably even in the worst conditions possible. Studies have proven that when homeless people are driven to a certain point, they begin to commit crimes in order to gather a sufficient amount of money to provide for themselves or their family. In the case of preventing homelessness, the crime rate would significantly decrease as individuals would be able to live with their families and to focus on making more money to put food on the…
Millions of Americans experience homelessness every year but are still outnumbered by abandoned, empty, and government owned buildings. Instead of keeping them on the streets, why doesn’t someone place them in those buildings? If they did, America would still have buildings leftover that they can either fix up or move in the homeless from other countries that are in need. America should help the homeless in other countries as well as their own. After they help their own country, they should reach out to others and give supplies that are needed.…
Is it really fair that people generally without jobs are just put in someone else’s home that they were kicked out of because they couldn’t afford the rent? Will neighborhoods agree to possibly let mentally ill or drug addicts move into their neighborhood? Who’s going to help the homeless through such a long process of legally owning a home? How could you regulate whether or not the homeless person is abusing their new property? These counterarguments are something that states have to look at if they want to start this program. When I think of these counterarguments I see them as a lot smaller of a problem than homelessness. Many homeless people can’t even help their situation and it is nearly impossible to get out of their situation. The U.S. has a chance to show the world that they can solve what most people consider a global issue. It’s time that the rest of the world follows Utah and other states like Massachusetts and creates a world where millions of people can have a roof of their own over their heads at night. Solving chronic homelessness in America could create a domino effect. Maybe with a roof over their heads the former homeless would stop committing crimes, stop doing drugs and would be altogether healthier and decrease hospital visits among the people that can’t afford it causing the taxpayers thousands of dollars each year. Not only will there not be anymore families struggling to stay find a shelter at night the streets would be a lot…
Recent data indicate that the average monthly income for people who are homeless is $367, less than half the federal poverty level for a single adult. This is ridiculous, especially for a family to live off of. In 14 states and 69 metropolitan areas, the entire maximum Supplemental Security Income benefits do not cover the Fair Market Rent for a one bedroom apartment, and no state in the nation offers SSI equal to the federal minimum wage. What good is the government doing? Keeping the homeless barely alive and on the streets, without any possibility to recover? Even harder a concept to grasp is that approximately 40 percent of adult males who are homeless are veterans. The government should support the men who once supported and fought for their country. As many as 90 percent of people who are homeless have prior work experience and 15 to 20 percent currently have jobs. Homelessness is the failure of our society to provide adequate and affordable housing, and fair wages.…