Results and Conclusion of the Research Process The title of this research study is Stressful life events and the tripartite model: Relations to anxiety and depression in adolescent females. The study was investigated by Jeremy Fox, Leslie Halpern, Julie Ryan, and Kelly Lowe (2011). This paper will expand on previous information reported, which included the background and methodology of the research study. This paper will include the results: including data collection methods and data analysis procedures, and the conclusion: including the study findings, weaknesses, strengths, limitations, and whether the findings support the hypotheses.
Results: Data Collection Methods The study was based on a tripartite model, which consists of three parts. This tripartite model included the following three self-reporting measures, which were used to collect the data: Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Adolescent Perceived Events Scale (APES), and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) (Fox, Halpern, Ryan, & Lower, 2010).
Results: Ways the data collection procedures are appropriate for this study The PANAS was designed to access how different words make individuals feel and was originally designed for use with adults but has proved very effective in samples of adolescents. The APES was designed to access life events for the ages between 12 and 20, and the BSI was designed to access the distress levels of adolescents beginning with at the age of13 (Fox et al., 2010). The three self-reporting measures were appropriate data collection procedures because each was developed to use for the appropriate age group to access their human feelings.
Results: Ways appropriate steps were taken to protect the rights of the subjects Before the study could be conducted the researchers had to go to the school administrators and received permission to conduct the study. After the
References: Fox, J.K., Halpern, L. F., Ryan, J.L., & Lower, K.A. (2010). Stressful life events and the tripartite model: Relations to anxiety and depression in adolescent females. Journal of Adolescence. 33(1). 34-54. Retrieved from,009 Henninger, E. (2009). What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research. Retrieved from quantitative-2994901.html?cat=4